Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Apr 152003

2003-04-15.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 15, 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. As the election of 2003 approached, Chapman asked McKeever why other parties are not talking about the issues, and about Freedom Party’s stand on the issues. Issues discussed included: electricity; P3s (“public-private partnerships) and corporatism; popularity and reality re: capitalism and socialism; socialized health care; Ontario’s success, socialism, and cheap labour for American companies; Liberal party bans. Continue reading »

Mar 182003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Election 2003: Freedom Party Leader, Paul McKeever, to be candidate in Oshawa

March 18, 2003 – Oshawa – “The Freedom Party of Ontario announced today that party leader and local employment lawyer Paul McKeever, will run as the Freedom Party candidate for Oshawa in the 2003 provincial election…” [Click here to read the full release]

Mar 042003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Only Freedom Party Would Eliminate Electricity Price Cap, says leader, Paul McKeever

March 4, 2003 – Oshawa – “McKeever asserts that the only economically and ecologically sound thing to do is eliminate the [electricity] price cap.”… [Click here to read the full release]

Nov 272002

2002-11-27.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 27, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. McKeever had been made leader of the party earlier that year, and Chapman wanted to find out more about McKeever’s plans for Freedom Party as the election of 2003 approached. Issues discussed included: electricity, smaller government versus better government, health care, education, and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario’s abandonment of common sense. Continue reading »

Oct 152002

2002-10-xx.mckeeverVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Aired: October, 2002 (Lindsays Community TV). Host Rae Fleming, with panelists Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario), George Bradbury (retired secondary school teacher, former United Church minister) and Pat Dunn (Director of the Canadian Alliance Party) discuss politics, including the founding of Freedom Party of Ontario’s federal counterpart, the Freedom Party of Canada. Continue reading »

Jul 152002

2002-07-xx.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In July of 2002, then Freedom Party spokesperson Paul McKeever, David Lesperance (Lawyer, global relocation specialist), and Michael Taube (public affairs analyst) comprised the second of two panels that appeared on Michael Coren Live! with host Michael Coren to discuss the constitutionality – or lack thereof – of Canada’s Income Tax Act. The first panel was comprised of two fellows who referred to themselves as “de-taxers”: Bruce Stellar (Ontario De-tax Group), and Byrun Fox (Ontario De-tax Group). Continue reading »

Aug 242001

2001-08-24.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 24, 2001, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London falling voter turn-out and the question: Should voting be made mandatory?. Also a guest on this episode: Ontario Liberal MPP Marie Bountrogianni, and Adrienne Snow (Managing Director for the Centre for the Study of Civic Renewal). Continue reading »

Mar 232001

2001-03-23.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On March 23, 2001, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London the issue of whether cell phone jammers should be legal, and who decides. Also guests in this episode: Peter Shurman (CEO of Universal Teleresponse Corporation, member of the Canadian Call Management Association) and Carl Olson (Industry Canada). Continue reading »

Feb 202001

2001-02-20.mckeeverVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On February 20, 2001, then Freedom Party of Ontario executive member Paul McKeever appeared before Ontario’s Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy to testify in opposition to Bill 155, which was titled “Remedies for Organized Crime and Other Unlawful Activities Act, 2000”. The bill was introduced by then Ontario PC MPP and Attorney General Jim Flaherty. It later was passed into law.

The bill allows the government to cease private property from its owner even without charging the owner with an offence. Freedom Party opposed the bill on both philosophical and legal grounds.

The transcript of the day’s hearing can be read here: Continue reading »