Dec 151984

198x-xx-xx.hall-pan-am.emery-metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In 1984 and 1985, Freedom Party of Ontario’s Action Director, Marc Emery, and Freedom Party’s president, Robert Metz (who also was chairing the No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee), campaigned against a bid by London business persons to have taxpayers foot the bill to have London, Ontario host the 1991 Pan Am Games sporting event. On London cable television, host Stan Hall interviewed Emery and Metz about their efforts. Continue reading »

Dec 031984

1984-12-04.ntfpagcVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In this cablecast and newscast from December 3, 1984, Freedom Party supporters, organized as the No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee, are seen holding up signs (at London City Hall, during a council meeting) in opposition to London using tax revenues to pay for the hosting of the 1991 Pan Am Games. This recording ends with snippet from a separate newscast that was recorded on the same video tape. Continue reading »

Dec 011984

Big Pan-Am vote coming up Monday, December 3 at City Hall be there; Over 500 responses received by Nov. 22; Horton Street cost jumps by $1 million; St. Thomas Olympic size pool goes unused & unpaid for; St. Thomas to use grant as study plan for closed ‘Y’; New Orleans Expo ’84 goes bankrupt nothing left after $400 million sunk into project; B.C. Expo ’86 costs rise from $150 million in 1980 to $800 million today; World’s fair files for bankruptcy; Equador backs out of 1987 Pan-Am Games, can’t afford it; Winnipeg 1967 Pan-Am games ran $6 million in the red ($20 million in 1984 money); Montreal Olympic debt now exceeds $1 billion; We get some yes to games responses too; London Magazine features Gord Hume & Pan-Am Games bid; Some interesting letters and comments from our supporters; Is London ‘desperate’ for a ‘shot in the arm’?; We need your help; The future of our campaign. Continue reading »

Dec 011984

1984-xx-xx.cbc-emery-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In late fall of 1984, during Freedom Party of Ontario’s “No Tax for Pan Am Games” campaign – opposing taxpayer funding of a London, Ontario bid to host the 1991 Pan Am Games – CBC’s Monitor program did a profile of those in favour of the bid, and those opposed to funding for the bid. Freedom Party’s campaign was initiated by Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, who is interviewed. Also interviewed is Gord Hume, then chair of the Pan Am bid committee. Continue reading »

Dec 011984

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

This news report on 6X radio in London canvassed the positions of various stakeholders favouring or opposing London’s Pan Am Bid Committee’s bid for London to host the 1991 Pan Am Games at taxpayer expense. Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery was one of the four individuals interviewed and was, of course, opposed to taxpayer funding for the games.

NOTE: In the report, Emery makes several references to “our group”. The group to which he is referring is Freedom Party and its No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee, which had its own newsletter.


Listen to the Report:
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Dec 011984

Openers: Democracy, Resignations & Appointments; “There’ll be no democracy for Freedoms” (newspaper coverage); “If you didn’t win one of these, you’re lucky” (newspaper coverage); Freedom (Party) on the Job Wins First Round at Eaton’s; Letters to the Editor re: Eaton’s; “Eaton’s workers reject union” (newspaper article); Freedom Party’s Opposition to Tax-financed Hosting of 1991 Games Produces Overwhelming Support; INSERT: “The London Citizens’ Guide to The Tax-Paid 1991 Pan-Am Games Bid”; “Pamphlet challenges Pan-Am Games bid” (newspaper coverage); Letter to the Editor (Robert Metz); “Aldermen concede city split on issue of Pan-Am Games” (newspaper article); “Speak up, supporters” (newspaper coverage); What is the Government Doing to Your Neighbourhood?; Get Involved (this means you!); University of Western Ontario Homecoming Party Not Held at Own ‘Home’; “Why London should review grant to UWO” (letter to editor – Marc Emery); Cartoon (Marc Emery and the Gatewood riots issue); Building Our Reputation: Community Involvement and Its Rewards; Prosperity as the Road to Freedom; Campaigning for Success (not for votes); A Sample Interview with FP Action Director; Wanted!; Our Record for 1984. Continue reading »