If lock-downs, mask mandates, talk of vaccine passports, and the daily efforts of the Establishment parties and media to cancel, fine, or imprison those who speak out against such abuse of power has you feeling down, dispirited, or hopeless, this message is for you. If you think that the next election will not change anything because the Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, and Greens are all in favour of these oppressive Coronavirus policies, this message is definitely for you, and for anyone who feels similarly doubtful about the next election changing anything for the better.
This is not an empty, pro-freedom “rah-rah we can do it” rant. We’ve all read those and found them to give no real reasons to think the next election will be any different from the past. No, what I here offer you is: mathematics; mathematics that will crush the arguments of those who attempt to tell you that you are throwing your vote away unless you vote Progressive Conservative, Liberal, or NDP; mathematics that will show you how easy it is actually to beat the Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP. Continue reading »