On April 29, 2021, Freedom Party president Robert Metz hosted an episode of the radio show “Just Right” that focused on the nature of fascism, and on the propriety of calling fascists fascists. Just Right described the episode as follows:
When University of Western Ontario professor Donald Welsh compared Ontario’s COVID strategies to the Holocaust, he was roundly condemned by the Ford government’s spokesperson Ivana Yelich: “These inflammatory comments are totally unacceptable. Nothing should ever be compared to the Holocaust.”
And with that, she proved the professor’s case. Indeed, it is a failure to compare today’s events in Ontario with those of the Holocaust (and other similar historical parallels) that should be considered both an intellectual and moral crime. To suggest that ‘nothing’ should ever be compared to the Holocaust is a call to ignore the lessons of history – and to promote totalitarianism and tyranny – two singular realities that have emerged from Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party in Ontario.
Yelich’s statement is also an extraordinary insult to those who suffered under the evil fascist philosophies of the Holocaust – historical versions of the very philosophy and policy of today’s Ford’s government. But most importantly, it was a veiled attempt to prevent looking in the mirror, and to prevent the public from seeing the Ford government in its true philosophical light – fascist.
“For 14 months, we have all been part of a highly dangerous experiment. It was foisted upon us, without consent, by a radical group of public health fundamentalists. These extremists have terrorized civil society and attempted to shut down and destroy free thought,” tweeted Professor Welsh in a perfect and accurate description of a fascist state.
Bravo Professor Welsh! Those who have accused you of expressing ‘offensive’ statements are themselves the ones who are offensive.
We encourage everyone to follow the example of Professor Welsh because he got it Just Right and had the courage to say so.
Whole Episode:
Audio Details:
Radio Program: Just Right (www.justrightmedia.org)
Episode: 704
Host: Robert Metz
Just Right show link: https://www.justrightmedia.org/blog/archives/12012
Aired: April 29, 2021
Radio Stations: WBCQ in Monticello Maine on 7490 KHz shortwave (7:00 PM to 8:00 PM) and Channel 292 Germany on 6070 KHz from 1900 UTC to 2000 UTC
File Format: MP3
URL (Whole Episode – 71.8 MB – 59 mins: 42 secs) – https://www.freedomparty.on.ca/archive/audio/2021-04-29.justRIGHT-704-theFORDreich-OntariosFASCISTvariant.mp3