Jun 121988

1988-06-12.emery-released-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On June 12, 1988, TV London News reported the June 10, 1988 release of then Freedom Party of Ontario Action Director Marc Emery from the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre in London, Ontario. He had been jailed for approximately 4 days for refusing to pay a $500.00 fine, which was imposed upon him because he intentionally staffed his book store (City Lights) with more than three individuals on a Sunday, contrary to Ontario’s then-existing laws against retail business on Sundays (a law imposed in 1975 by Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party). Continue reading »

Mar 281988

1988-03-28.malcolm-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On March 28, 1988, during the Ontario provincial by-election for the riding of London North, five of the six candidates – including Freedom Party of Ontario’s candidate, Barry Malcolm – attended Ritchie’s Restaurant for a sit-down televised brunch. Arguably, the relatively unstructured discussion gave viewers a better opportunity to learn about each candidate, what motivates them, and what they are like as people. Continue reading »

Aug 181987


In August of 1987, Ontario’s election saw Global TV portraying Freedom Party of Ontario as a “fringe” party…a goal made easier by sandwiching a profile of the party between a profile of the communists, and a profile of the greens. The joke’s on Global though: although the report called Freedom Party’s election planks – including opposition to the Sunday shopping ban, censorship, and free trade – “not a quick ticket to Queens Park”, almost all of them have, long ago, come to pass. Continue reading »

Aug 181987


In August of 1987, during Ontario’s provincial election, CFTO news in Toronto did a profile of Freedom Party. Discussed: Freedom Party’s stands on Ontario’s ban on Sunday Retail store openings, free trade, censorship, forced association/dues in unions, and Business Improvement Associations (BIAs). Continue reading »