Jul 012009

Capitalism under attack!; McKeever-FP YouTube ratings crush the competition; Freedom Party a hit; Levant, Shaidle, Mansur draw record crowd; controversial right-wing blogger invited to speak at London event; human rights overlooked; where was the Free Press?; 100th broadcast marks Just Right anniversary; Canada no ‘free dominion’ say Fourniers and Michael Coren; letters; McKeever and Metz on CTS discussion panels; Gone Fishin’ video draws 44,000 views on YouTube. Continue reading »

Nov 012008

Provincial election legacy still being felt; McKeever and Paikin: Over 24,000 view The Agenda online; Candidates and campaigns: Ontario Election 2007; ‘Just Right’ audio archives now on-line; Local FP CAs oppose drive-thru bans; YouTube videos attract thousands; ‘Reason’s Harvest’: Paul McKeever’s Personal Statement Launches an Annual Celebration of Reason. Continue reading »

Sep 252007

“For voters and reporters who have not had the opportunity to attend the local debates, and for those reporting on the activities of party leaders during this election, we provide this list of recordings that have been made in London ridings, and which can now be found on the web…” Click here to read the full media release.

Sep 192007

“Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever (candidate in the riding of London West) today is warning that the Progressive Conservative proposal to fund religious schools with taxpayer dollars would deprive participating religious schools of constitutionally-entrenched protections of their religious freedom…” Click here to read the full media release.

Sep 082007

“Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever today announced that Freedom Party has nominated Kingston resident Mark Fournier as its candidate for the riding of Kingston and the Islands for the coming provincial election. The 54 year old Fournier is co-founder of Canada’s most influential political discussion forum, www.freedominion.ca…” Click here to read the full media release.