Feb 282006

2006-02-28.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On February 28, 2006, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever, together with Tasha Kheiriddin (then Ontario Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation) and Finn Poschmann (CD Howe Institute) was a panelist on iChannel’s program @Issue, with host John Robson. Titled “Governed to Death”, the episode focused on the proper role and responsibilities of government, and the issue of whether or not Canada has “too much” government. Continue reading »

Jan 052006

“Recent comments by Progressive Conservative opposition leader John Tory, about who and what is responsible for murders and murderers in Toronto, have insulted millions of Ontarians, says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever. They have also helped leftists to promote the growth of government by sowing the seeds of social discord…” [Click here to read the full release]

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Nov 082005

“Pardon me ladies and gentlemen, but with 11 paragraphs about who should pay for snack food, Mr. Tory has unwittingly provided us with a black and white demonstration of what is actually undermining Ontario’s confidence in the political process…” [Click here to read the full release]