Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Nov 262020


On November 26, 2020, Freedom Party president Robert Metz hosted an episode of the radio show “Just Right” that focused on Ontario’ Progressive Conservative government and its Premier, Doug Ford. Just Right described the episode as follows:

In the name of COVID-19, the Ontario government has been hard at work terrorizing its residents into a perpetual state of fear and compliance. Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party have made it clear that they are fascist to the core.

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May 252018


On May 22, 2018, the Craig Needles Show (radio AM980, London, Ontario) hosted a debate among the PC, Liberal, NDP, and Green Party candidates in the riding of London North Centre in advance of the June 7, 2018 Ontario provincial general election. FP leader Paul McKeever was not invited even though he was one of the candidates in the riding. Prior to the London North Centre debate, McKeever wrote to Needles, who said he’d call McKeever – after the debate – to set up an interview. The interview occurred on May 24, 2018.

One day later, Needles held a “Friday Round Table” discussion with a panel consisting of Cheryl Miller (who ran as the Ontario PC candidate in the riding of London Fanshawe in 2011), Conservative party staffer Nathan Caranci, and former PC candidate (in the 2013 London West by-election) Ali Chahbar. The three partisans weighed-in about who should be included in candidate debates during elections. Panelist Ali Chahbar – who McKeever had, during the London West by-election of 2013, questioned about Chahbar’s sympathies for the Liberal Party and Shariah law (Chahbar lost that election, arguably as a result; see Londoners alarmed by sudden emergence of info re: Ontario PC candidate, Ali Chahbar and McKeever debates Chahbar (in 2013) on Andy Oudman show) – asked his fellow Progressive Conservative panelists whether an exception should be made for a party’s leader, and he specifically mentioned FP leader Paul McKeever as an example (Chahbar, clearly, was aware that McKeever had been a guest of Needles’ show one day prior). Needles said that he was “quite comfortable” with his show’s decision to exclude candidates whose parties had not won at least 2% of the vote in the previous election because Elections Ontario uses 2% as the threshold (on a per-riding basis) for provincial funding (NOTE: FP had achieved over 2% in London North Centre in the 2014 election, but McKeever was excluded from the London North Centre debate nonetheless, rendering Needles’ excuse for excluding McKeever disingenuous or, at least, wilfully blind). The response from the all-PC panel: “NO!!”. Chahbar followed-up by saying (of course) that he agreed with their sentiment: FP’s candidate should not be permitted to participate in the on-air candidates’ debate. Caranci expressed his love for the fact that everyone on the panel was “shot out of a cannon today” to which the host says “yes, McKeever”, after having explained that he’d received a number of e-mails about McKeever’s exclusion from the debate.

The whole charade underscores the desperate measures to which Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives are willing to conspire and resort to smears to prevent the emergence of Freedom Party as a party known to the public, and as a competitor to the Ontario PC party. We think they doth protest too much.


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May 222018

“Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever today challenged candidates in the 4 London-area ridings (London North Centre, London Fanshawe, London West, and Elgin-Middlesex-London) to state clearly whether they are for or against the Bus Rapid Transit (“BRT”) plan, and whether they are in favour or opposed to provincial funding for the BRT…” Click here to read the full media release.

Feb 132018

In anticipation of the June 7, 2018 Ontario provincial election, Freedom Party of Ontario released its 2018 Election platform in the early morning of February 13, 2018. In 2011, Freedom Party had released the world’s first-ever election platform audiobook and, for 2018, it again produced an audiobook version of the its platform (released at the same time). In the run-up to the election, the plaform also could be viewed in html format. Continue reading »

Feb 012018


On February 1, 2018, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever testified at the Oshawa hearing of Finance Minister Charles Sousa’s Pre-Budget 2018 Consultations. McKeever was the second of approximately 36 speakers. McKeever identified 4 ways not to balance the Ontario budget. Although the speakers were to give back-to-back submissions limited to 3 minutes each, and although the entire consultation was scheduled to last only 90 minutes, Finance Minister Charles Sousa felt the need to respond to McKeever’s submissions immediately after he made them. Sousa spoke for 7 minutes. This is the transcript of his response to Paul McKeever, delivered in front of all attendees. NOTE: Sousa apparently mis-heard the Master of Ceremonies when McKeever was introduced because, in the close of his response to McKeever, he referred to Freedom Party’s as the “Green party”, and said that we were doing “good work”. Continue reading »

Jan 312018


On February 1, 2018, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever testified at the Oshawa hearing of Finance Minister Charles Sousa’s Pre-Budget 2018 Consultations. This document is the text that Paul McKeever prepared on January 31, 2018, in advance of giving his oral submissions. Essentially, McKeever identifies 4 ways not to balance the Ontario budget. Each person making a submission was given three minutes to speak, hence the brevity of McKeever’s notes. Continue reading »

Nov 222016

2016-11-22-essexVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 29, 2016, Freedom Party held a dinner in London, Ontario at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn. The theme of the dinner: Embracing Climate Change. The dinner’s MC, Robert Vaughan, recognized certain honoured guests (including former party leader Lloyd Walker, and authors Dave Plum and Scott Williams-Oakes), and recognized the recent passings of Ray Monteith (FPO candidate and supporter), Wayne Forbes (FPO candidate and supporter), and Jack Plant (former party leader). FPO party leader Paul McKeever then presented Dr. Christopher Essex (the Guest Speaker of the dinner) with a Freedom 200 pins for his contribution to the party. Vaughan then gave the party’s traditional Toast to Freedom. Following the meal, McKeever gave a short speech about government’s role in defending every individual’s freedom to pursue his own happiness, and about Freedom Party’s application of that principle to the issue of climate change: a Freedom government will stop all governmental efforts to fight the climate, and will instead adapt to the effects of climate change, as needed and appropriate. Thereafter, Professor Essex gave a compelling speech explaining the importance of not allowing ethics and politics to influence the interpretation or collection of the hard data of natural science. Robert Vaughan then gave a humourous closing comment before attendees mingled.

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Jun 072016

2016-06-07.carbon-copies-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

A compelling video showing the startling degree to which Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives are “Carbon Copies” of Ontario’s Liberals, especially with respect to their theme (“choose change”), their commitment to “fighting” climate change, and their support for carbon taxes and cap-and-trade schemes. Continue reading »

May 262016

“Call it “socialized energy” or “energy care”: energy on the basis of need, not on the basis of ability to pay. In an interview on the globally-broadcasted radio program “Just Right” today, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever warned that that is the real purpose of the Kathleen Wynne government’s various “climate” policies – including cap-and-trade, ending natural gas home-heating, subsidizing electric cars and charting stations, etc…” Click here to read the full media release.