Feb 012018


On February 1, 2018, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever testified at the Oshawa hearing of Finance Minister Charles Sousa’s Pre-Budget 2018 Consultations. McKeever was the second of approximately 36 speakers. McKeever identified 4 ways not to balance the Ontario budget. Although the speakers were to give back-to-back submissions limited to 3 minutes each, and although the entire consultation was scheduled to last only 90 minutes, Finance Minister Charles Sousa felt the need to respond to McKeever’s submissions immediately after he made them. Sousa spoke for 7 minutes. This is the transcript of his response to Paul McKeever, delivered in front of all attendees. NOTE: Sousa apparently mis-heard the Master of Ceremonies when McKeever was introduced because, in the close of his response to McKeever, he referred to Freedom Party’s as the “Green party”, and said that we were doing “good work”.

Documents and Details:

Transcription of Response (8.5″ x 11″ format): https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/2018/2018-02-01.charles-sousa-finance-minister-response-to-mckeevers-submissions.pdf
Author: Charles Sousa, Ontario Finance Minister
Transcription by: Ted Harlson (with minor edits by Paul McKeever)
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario
Colour/BW: Full colour
File Format: .pdf
File Size: 47 KB