Jun 011993

1993.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
In 1993, Inquiry (CFPL TV, London) panelists Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario), Louise Karch (Gay Rights Activist), David Brownstone (London AIDS Committee), and Debbie Normand (parent) discuss gay parenting and the defeat of a motion at the London Board of Education to cancel a gay and lesbian parenting workshop from an upcoming family conference. Continue reading »

Jul 191992

1992-07-19.metz2-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On July 19, 1992, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz gave a speech at a Toronto Marijuana Mardi Gras anti-prohibition event. The event was held at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall. This news story about the event appeared later that day. Freedom Party had an information table at the event and Robert Metz is seen, at one point in the story, manning the table. A video of Metz’s speech – which was followed with a speech by Jack Herer (author of “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”) is available in the Freedom Party online archive. Continue reading »

Jun 091992

1992-06-09.news-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On June 9, 1992, London, Ontario’s board of education held a meeting of its Program Standings Committee. There was concern in the community over the ineffectiveness of use of the “whole language” method, which was being used to teach children to read in London Schools. Freedom Party had published a guide titled “Just Say Know to Whole Language”, which informed area parents of the philosophy and purposes behind using the Whole Language approach. The community was rightly alarmed. At the board hearing, Freedom Party president Robert Metz did a presentation based upon FP’s guide, and it landed him in the middle of a news report on CFPL TV in London that day.

Metz’s presentation was just one of dozens of anti-“whole language” presentations made to the London Board of Education by parents and educators. In his presentation Metz offered a solution to the education dilemma: parental and taxpayer choice in how their education tax dollars are spent.

During his presentation, Metz reviewed the literacy problems faced under ‘whole language’ and contrasted them with the positive approach of phonics making it clear that, “Given a choice, I would never have my child exposed to the ‘whole language’ cult.” Continue reading »

Apr 031992

1992-04-03.metz-presentation-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 3, 1992, Ontario’s NDP government held a hearing in London, Ontario concerning child day care and a government proposal – titled “Setting the Stage” – essentially to impose a tax-funded government monopoly on the provision of day care services in the province (akin to health care). Robert Metz was one of several individuals who gave testimony at the hearing, and his pro-free-market testimony was very well received by the audience members present. Continue reading »

Apr 031992

1992-04-03.whole-presentation-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 3, 1992, Ontario’s NDP government held a hearing in London, Ontario concerning child day care and a government proposal – titled “Setting the Stage” – essentially to impose a tax-funded government monopoly on the provision of day care services in the province (akin to health care). Robert Metz was one of several individuals who gave testimony at the hearing, and his pro-free-market testimony was very well received by the audience members present. Metz’s presentation is available on this youtube channel as a separate video. This video is the entire recording held in the Freedom Party archive, and includes Metz’s presentation along with the presentations of other witnesses. Continue reading »

Apr 231991

1991-04-23.frampton-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 23, 1991, then Freedom Party of Ontario Regional Vice President William Frampton testified before a Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Process for Amending the Constitution of Canada. “Unless our constitution is so designed as to protect individual rights as opposed to group rights, no number of amendments, referendums, or any other democratic means can possibly address the gross injustices that will inevitably result,” argued Frampton to a committee that was openly hostile to his point of view. “The people of Canada will never be assured of security of their freedom and inalienable rights, unless the most overriding feature of our constitution is a guarantee of fundamental freedoms.” NOTE: Freedom Party of Ontario reported on Frampton’s testimony in Freedom Flyer #19. Continue reading »

Sep 011990

1990-09-xx.metz-thumb.2VIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In September of 1990, during Ontario’s general election, Rogers held a televised leaders debate that included all but the three leaders whose parties most recenty held seats in Ontario’s Legislature. Debaters: Robert Metz (then leader, Freedom Party of Ontario), Elizabeth Rowley (Communist Party), Jim Harris (Green Party), James Stock (Libertarian Party), and Louis di Rocco (Family Coalition Party). Hosted by David Schatzky. Questions from callers: How would each party get AIDs medicines to patients without patients having to pay the high cost of those medicines; What would each party do about funding to public schools?; What is the Family Coalition Party’s position on homosexuality?; What would the Green Party do with respect to garbage and energy lost with our waste?; Where do the candidates stand on the issue of Sunday shopping?; What is Freedom Party’s position on the right to recall (i.e., unseat) MPPs when they do not keep their problems?; Is the Libertarian party committed to more funding for police forces to “combat the rampant drug problem in this province”?; What kind of program does the Communist Party have?; What is each party’s position on multiculturalism?; What is each party’s position on rent controls?; What is each party’s position on immigration?; What is each party’s position on abortion?; What is each party’s position on Worker’s Compensation? Continue reading »

Jan 151989

1988-01-14.inquiry-emery-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On January 15, 1989, Marc Emery (then Action Director of Freedom Party of Ontario and owner/operator of City Lights bookstore in London Ontario), Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley, and London Ontario’s then Deputy Mayor Jack Burghardt were panelists on the television program Inquiry. They debated the pros and cons of government intervention in the economy. Continue reading »