Jul 061990


On June 22, 1990, an Ontario High Court trial judge released his decision in the case of Peel (Regional Municipality) v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. of Canada Ltd.. The court declared Ontario’s Retail Business Holidays Act (which banned most retail sales on Sundays) unconstitutional because, it found, the Act was contrary to the religious freedom provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The decision was overturned by the Ontario Court of Appeal on March 20, 1991 but, in the meantime, many retail stores began opening their doors on Sundays.

FM 96’s John Boles reported on what was expected to happen when London stores opened on Sunday, July 8, 1990. Ron Logan of the Patton’s Place furniture store (a long time opponent of Sunday Shopping) and Robert Metz (President of Freedom Party of Ontario, which long advocated choice) were interviewed.

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Mar 311989

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At some point in 1989, “Talk Back” host Ann Hutchison invited Liz Rowley (leader of the Communist Party of Canada) to be her guest for one hour to talk about communism and her party. Rowley fielded calls from listeners, including Freedom Party member Jack Plant. Years later, Jack would become leader of Freedom Party of Ontario.




Jack Plant Excerpt

Entire Program
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Jun 101988


Beginning June 7, 1988, Freedom Party of Ontario Action Director Marc Emery spent 4 days in jail for having refused to pay a $500 fine that was imposed upon him by a court for having opened his bookstore on a Sunday, contrary to provincial law. He had opened his store as an act of civil disobedience, in conjunction with his efforts as Action Director of the Freedom Party. In the face of organized proponents of the ban on Sunday shopping – including organized religion, organized business interests, and all three of the political parties holding seats in the Ontario Legislature – Emery was the front man for Freedom Party of Ontario’s lonely, but ultimately successful, campaign against the Sunday shopping ban.

In this radio broadcast, “Radio Docs” host Mario Circelli mentions that Emery has just been released from jail to join him on the program (that makes June 10, 1988 the most likely date of the broadcast; Freedom Party president Robert Metz recalls having brought money to the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre in the early morning hours of a June Friday to pay the money [collected from supporters as “Pennies for Principles”] necessary to secure Emery’s release). Arguably, the fact that Emery has just emerged from jail can be heard not so much in Emery’s voice, as in his words on the program. This arguably is Emery in his finest form.

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Jun 011988

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On an unknown date in 1988, Michael Schwab (Canadian Vegans for Animal Rights) and Dr. Ron Calhoun (Partners in Research) were the guests of Radio 98’s “Talkback” program, with host Ann Hutchison. Although most of their discussion was not recorded by Freedom Party, they apparently were two sides of a debate over the propriety of using animals as test subjects in scientific research. Freedom Party president Robert Metz called in about Michael Schwab’s position on “animal rights”.



Complete Recording
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May 011988

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In March of 1988, the U.S. border patrol began seizing cars, boats, other vehicles, and their contents, in situations where illegal drugs were found in the vehicle. On her “Talkback” program (Radio 98), host Ann Hutchison wanted to know whether people thought asset seizure to be “fair”. Both Freedom Party president Robert Metz and Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery called in to share their thoughts on the matter.




Robert Metz Excerpt

Marc Emery Excerpt

Complete Recording
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Apr 211988

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On April 20, 1988, Ontario finance minister Robert F. Nixon tabled the Liberal government 1988 provincial budget. It proposed, in part, that Ontario’s Retail Sales Tax be increased by one percentage point: up to 8% from 7%. The tax increase was, therefore, one of the subjects of discussion on Radio 98’s “Talkback” program, in the days that followed. Freedom Party president Robert Metz called-in, and explained that taxes are the secondary issue, and that the main issue is getting spending under control. He speaks, especially, to Ontario’s two most expensive programs: health care and education.



Complete Recording
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Jan 221988

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It’s the beginning of 1988. The Retail Business Holiday’s Act – introduced by Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives in 1975 – bans the opening of most retail stores on Sundays (although the Ontario PCs deny the reason, the fact is that the Lord’s Day Alliance – an alliance of 4 Christian religions – asked Premier Bill Davis, in 1975, to keep the Lord’s Day holy by imposing a ban). However, Canada’s Supreme court has already struck down (in 1985) a federal Lord’s Day Act that did the same thing, pursuant to the then-new Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although the Ontario legislation has survived (in 1986) a similar constitutional challenge, there is growing public support for ending the ban on Sunday Shopping (in no small part due to Freedom Party’s ongoing campaign to end the ban on Sunday shopping). Feeling the political head, Ontario’s governing Liberals have announced that they will be introducing legislation in 1988 that will give Ontario’s municipalities the power to decide whether or not Sunday shopping is banned within their respective municipalities.

And so, as the tabling of new Sunday shopping legislation approaches, on January 22, 1988, AM 980 (London)’s Talkback program asked callers to call in their views on the Sunday shopping ban. Four Freedom Party personalities called in: Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, FPO supporter Dave Southen, FPO Vice-President Lloyd Walker, and FPO president Robert Metz. You can hear the whole program, or listen to their respective calls, below.

Marc Emery Excerpt

Dave Southen Excerpt

Lloyd Walker Excerpt

Robert Metz Excerpt

Complete Recording
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Sep 031987

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On September 3, 1987, during the Ontario general provincial election of that year, Freedom Party president Robert Metz was interviewed by Bill Paul. Topics include: Sunday shopping; strikes; Freedom Party; Garbage strike; property rights; Marc Emery; Ayn Rand; BIAs; censorship; FP media coverage; London Chamber of Commerce debate; free trade.

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Sep 011987

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During the 1987 Ontario provincial general election, CFRB host Andy Barrie interviewed Freedom Party president Robert Metz and Judy Johnson (candidate in Etobicoke West), a representative of the then newly-formed Family Coalition Party.

Whole recording (commercials and news removed)
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