Apr 152003

2003-04-15.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 15, 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. As the election of 2003 approached, Chapman asked McKeever why other parties are not talking about the issues, and about Freedom Party’s stand on the issues. Issues discussed included: electricity; P3s (“public-private partnerships) and corporatism; popularity and reality re: capitalism and socialism; socialized health care; Ontario’s success, socialism, and cheap labour for American companies; Liberal party bans. Continue reading »

Nov 272002

2002-11-27.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 27, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. McKeever had been made leader of the party earlier that year, and Chapman wanted to find out more about McKeever’s plans for Freedom Party as the election of 2003 approached. Issues discussed included: electricity, smaller government versus better government, health care, education, and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario’s abandonment of common sense. Continue reading »

Oct 152002

Two-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s November 30, 2002 “Election 2003 Leadership” Dinner at the Seven Dwarfs Restaurant in London, Ontario. Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Enclosures include: promotional poster (8.5″x11″), news clippings, and a response form. Continue reading »

Sep 212002

2002-09-21.belleville-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 21, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first Constituency Association workshop, for the riding of Prince Edward-Hastings, in anticipation of the 2003 provincial general election. It was the first public meeting held since the party’s adoption of its first official constitution and statement of policies (as opposed to election platforms), and since the launch of the new FPO website, www.freedomparty.on.ca (form 1996 to 2002, the party’s official website had been located at www.freedomparty.org, which thereafter became the official website for Freedom Party International, which is not an electoral political party but an educational arm of the organization). After an initial speech by FPO’s education critic, Robert Vaughan, party president Robert Metz provided attendees with a history of the party, and Paul McKeever gave his first public speech as the party’s new leader. Continue reading »

Nov 032001

2001-11-03.metzVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On November 3, 2001, Freedom Party of Ontario president was a panelist – along with Gord Harris (News Director, Corus Entertainment), Megan Walker (Executive Director, London Abused Women’s Centre), Greg Van Moorsel (London Free Press) – on Inquiry. The topics discussed included: a woman found not guilty of abducting her three children and taking them across the border; millions in provincial spending announced to make our homefront more secure in light of the September 11, 2001 attack; Ontario’s Bill 30 (formerly Bill 155): provincial asset forfeiture legislation; charities at home being left without contributions due to contributions to the victims of 9/11; Ontario’s approaching election, including the health care issue. Continue reading »

Feb 202001

2001-02-20.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On February 20, 2001, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda London Ontario’s proposed privacy legislation, which critics complained would – among other things – give rise to easy access to personal health information by the government, by employers, and by prospective employers. Also a guest on this episode: Ann Cavoukian (Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner). Continue reading »

Jun 011999


On May 25, 1999, during the Ontario provincial election of June 3, 1999, then Freedom Party of Ontario spokesperson (and candidate in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale) Paul McKeever represented the party as a panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: the smaller political parties. Note: another panel followed in the second half of the show, which did not include any discussion by or about Freedom Party. Continue reading »

May 281999

1999-05-28.metz-london-north-centreVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 28, 1999, during the Ontario general election, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz was a candidate in the televised candidate debate for the riding of London North Centre. Other candidates included Andrew J. Jezierski (Family Coalition Party), Dianne Cunningham (Progressive Conservative Party), Jeff Culbert (Green Party), Roger Caranci (Liberal Party), and Marion Boyd (NDP).

Calls from viewers included: leadership ability, tuition hikes, a strong & mandatory Ontarians with Disabilities Act, cuts to health care (including womens’ shelters, hearing impaired, drug rehabilitation).

The moderator was Gord Harris, who concluded by asking each candidate to identify what is the single most important issue brought to each candidate’s attention by constituents, and what is the client’s proposal to deal with that issue. Continue reading »

Jan 011999


Statement of Principle; Where We Stand!: Official Platform – Freedom Party of Ontario – Members Draft – December, 1998; Policy and Platform: Freedom; Aboriginal Issues; Abortion; Academic Freedom; Affirmative Action; Auto Insurance; Balanced Budgets; Business; Calgary Framework; Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Censorship; Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Children & Child Care; Constitution; Crown Corporations; Culture; Democracy; Discrimination; Drug Laws; Education; Electoral Reform; Environment; Freedom of Choice; Freedom of Speech; Freedom Party; Free Enterprise; Free Markets; Free Trade; Fundamental Freedoms; Government; Gun Control; Health Care; Health Tax; Housing; Human Rights Commission (Ontario); Individual Rights; Insurance; Interest Rates; Jobs; Justice; Law; Lobby Groups; Majority Rule; Marijuana; Market Value Assessment; Medicare; MPP Salaries & Pensions; Multiculturalism; Official Bilingualism; OHIP; Ontario Hydro; Politics; Political Correctness; Pollution; Poverty; Principles; Property Rights; Property Taxes; Protectionism; Public Transit; Quebec; Racism; Referendums; Rent Controls; Self Defence; Socialism; Sunday Shopping; Taxation; Unemployment; Unions; Universality; Wealth; Welfare; Workers’ Compensation; Workfare.
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