Jan 242008


On January 24, 2008, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and Anthony Hutchinson (Executive Director, Brampton Neighbourhood Resource Centre) were panelists on “On the Line” (CTS) with host Christine Williams on CTS. In this episode, the panel discusses: the proposal for an Africentric elementary school in Toronto; and charges dismissed for Spanish-speaking man lacking an interpreter. Continue reading »

Sep 252007

“For voters and reporters who have not had the opportunity to attend the local debates, and for those reporting on the activities of party leaders during this election, we provide this list of recordings that have been made in London ridings, and which can now be found on the web…” Click here to read the full media release.

Sep 192007

“Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever (candidate in the riding of London West) today is warning that the Progressive Conservative proposal to fund religious schools with taxpayer dollars would deprive participating religious schools of constitutionally-entrenched protections of their religious freedom…” Click here to read the full media release.

Jul 302007


On July 30, 2007, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz and Anita Bromberg (Legal Counsel, B’nai Brith Canada) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: Ontario Progressive Conservatives promise taxpayer funding for private religious schools, if elected; aging population will change social, political, and economic landscape; offspring of Holocaust survivors seek compensation from Germany. Continue reading »

Jul 292007

2007-07-29.fptv-14-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, reports from cottage country in the Haliburtons.

While the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives are promising to increase spending (and, therefore, to increase taxes), Freedom Party’s message remains: we must decrease taxes and government spending. Continue reading »