Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Apr 122003

2003-04-12.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 12, 2003, Freedom Party held its second of two dinners in anticipation of Ontario’s 2003 provincial general election. Party president Robert Metz commenced the presentations and introduced party leader Paul McKeever, who explained the importance of knowing exactly what democracy is, and what it is not, and why it must be defended. Bill Frampton, the party’s vice-president at the time, gave a short speech in his dual capacity as MC and as candidate in the riding of London West. A number of Freedom Party’s candidates then each took a couple of minutes to introduce themselves, including Rob Smink, Gord Mood, Wayne Simmons, Dick Field (who gave a very spirited and particularly well-received speech), Carol Leborg, Charles Olito, and Franz Cauchi. Continue reading »

Jan 112003

2003-xx-xx.note-thumbDocument Description:
On or about January 11, 2003, Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever wrote an article to explain to FP’s members and supporters that many changes had happened to the organization, appearance, purpose and strategy of party. Most of the changes had happened since mid-2001 (when Paul McKeever and Robert Metz founded Freedom Party of Canada to advocate for freedom federally), and since McKeever had assumed the party leadership (in April of 2002). There was so much change that McKeever felt it important to summarize it for the membership.

This document was discovered in McKeever’s personal records on June 7, 2015. It does not appear ever to have been published or made public prior to that time, but it does explain in significant detail a number of major changes that were occurring to the party, and why. Continue reading »

Nov 302002

2002-11-30.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 30, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first of two Ontario provincial general Election 2003 dinners. The dinner was held in London, Ontario. Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan introduced the dinner’s two speakers: FPO president Robert Metz and FPO’s then-new leader, Paul McKeever. Metz gave a state of the party speech. This was the first Freedom Party dinner in which Paul McKeever gave a speech as the party’s leader. Continue reading »

Sep 212002

2002-09-21.belleville-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 21, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first Constituency Association workshop, for the riding of Prince Edward-Hastings, in anticipation of the 2003 provincial general election. It was the first public meeting held since the party’s adoption of its first official constitution and statement of policies (as opposed to election platforms), and since the launch of the new FPO website, (form 1996 to 2002, the party’s official website had been located at, which thereafter became the official website for Freedom Party International, which is not an electoral political party but an educational arm of the organization). After an initial speech by FPO’s education critic, Robert Vaughan, party president Robert Metz provided attendees with a history of the party, and Paul McKeever gave his first public speech as the party’s new leader. Continue reading »

Dec 012001

“Taken by Surprise: The United States, Canada, and Anti-Missile Defence” by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn
“Blaming the Victim: The Genesis of the Break Up of Canada” by Paul McKeever
“Crime Does Pay” by Karen Selick
“Oh Canada!” by Adam Young
“Paved with Good Intentions” by Robert James Bidinotto Continue reading »

Nov 242001

2001-11-24.hilborn-thompson-terrorism-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the commencement of war in Afghanistan (starting October 7, 2001), Freedom Party held an informative dinner in London featuring two experts, Dr. Kenneth Hilborn (Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Western Ontario) and John C. Thompson (Executive Director of the Mackenzie Institute). This video commences with a brief contextual overview of the events which preceded the dinner. Note: expletives have not been “beeped” out of the footage, and some may find some of the images in the overview – including the bombing and collapse of the World Trade Towers – to be disturbing. Govern yourself accordingly. Continue reading »

Oct 231999

1999-10-23.elieff-leishmanVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 23, 1999, Freedom Party of Ontario held a dinner in support of London landlord Elijah Elieff’s civil action against Susan Eagle, the London Free Press, and others. Elieff had been smeared in the press. He also had been falsely accused of having engaged in racial discrimination against some of his tenants (the Human Rights Board of Inquiry found he had not engaged in racial discrimination). His name having been dragged through the mud, and he having been financially ruined due to activism by those who sought to take control of his apartment buildings and turn them in to a housing co-op, Elieff now was proceeding with a civil suit against those he believed were responsible. Continue reading »

May 291999

1999-05-29.dinner-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 29, 1999, Freedom Party of Ontario held the second of two dinners that it had held in support of its candidates in the 1999 Ontario provincial election. After an introductory speech by Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan, Freedom Party of Ontario founder Robert Metz introduced Mary Lou Gutscher, founder of a party that gave its registered status to Freedom Party in 1984 (Gutscher also was one of the first members of Freedom Party). Thereafter, short speeches were given by some of Freedom Party’s candidates for the 1999 election. Following the candidate speeches, Robert Metz spoke both as the party President and as the candidate for London North Centre. Finally, then party Leader Lloyd Walker (London-Fanshawe) gave the dinner’s closing speech.

The speeches reveal a good number of interesting, historical, and sometimes humourous facts and occurrences. Want to know how Freedom Party got registered, or how it got its name? Want to to know what it was like to be a candidate when the party was just getting started? Want to hear the story about how Mikhail Gorbachev came to own a copy of Ayn Rand’s “Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal”? Want to find out how the press deliberately distorts and disparages Freedom Party candidates? Watch, listen, learn, and laugh a bit.
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Dec 011995

“Kids First!” by Cheryl Stewart & Sandra Evans
“Our Most Serious Consideration” by Gordon Domm
“How Children Develop Passive Minds (Part 1 of 3): Why it happens and what we can do about it” by R.N. Whitehead, Ph.D.
“Is the Federal Income Tax Act Unconstitutional?” by Paul McKeever Continue reading »

Sep 301995

1995-09-30.armstrong-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On September 30, 1995, Freedom Party of Ontario held a dinner featuring, as its guest speaker, Joe Armstrong, author of “Farewell the Peaceful Kingdom). In his talk, given just weeks before the Quebec referendum on secession, he asserted that “Canada is not breaking up: it’s breaking down”. In particular, he argued, identifying oneself as a member of an allegedly victimized collective has become an all-too-common and growing means for the seizing of wealth and power…and the government is playing along. Continue reading »