Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Dec 212012

L to R: Robert Metz, Paul McKeever

The word “libertarian” is used in both a formal sense and an informal sense. When a socialist Liberal politician exclaims that the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation, he is called a civil “libertarian”. When a theocratic Conservative politician calls for a reduction in taxes, he too is called a “libertarian”. And when an “anarcho-capitalist” economist calls for the elimination of government, he is called a “libertarian”. So what does the word actually mean? Continue reading »

Dec 042012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release


PCs Seek Votes with Freedom Party Plank they rejected during Ontario Election 2011

December 4, 2012 Toronto – Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak today lifted a Freedom Party of Ontario plank that his party – along with the Liberals and NDP – rejected during election 2011. As usual, Hudak presented the idea as a trial balloon, not a promise. Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever says Hudak’s cynically flip flopping on the issue, and accuses Hudak of engaging in another plan of bait-and-switch. [Click here to read the full release]

Oct 272012

2012-10-27.corenVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 27, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario held its “3 Rs” dinner at the Primrose Hotel in Toronto. The video of the event was released in parts. This is Part 4: A speech by Michael Coren (author, Sunmedia columnist, and host of “The Arena” on the Sun News Network). Coren’s speech dealt broadly with various instances of moral relativism and its relation to education and Islam. This part also features post-talk interactions by attendees to the dinner. Continue reading »

Oct 272012

2012-10-27.mansurVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 27, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario held its “3 Rs” dinner at the Primrose Hotel in Toronto. The video of the event was released in parts. This is Part 3: A speech by Salim Mansur, a professor of political science at the University of Western Ontario. Mansur’s speech focused upon the problem of multiculturalism. Continue reading »

Oct 272012

2012-10-27.andersonVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 27, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario held its “3 Rs” dinner at the Primrose Hotel in Toronto. The video of the event was released in parts. This is Part 2: A speech by Stephen Anderson, Ph.D, a teacher at a high school in London Ontario whose article on moral relativism amongst the students in our schools, “Moments of Startling Clarity”, caught international media attention. Continue reading »

Oct 272012

2012-10-27.vaughan-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On October 27, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario held its “3 Rs” dinner at the Primrose Hotel in Toronto. The video of the event was released in parts. This is Part 1: The Toast to Freedom that begins all Freedom Party of Ontario dinners. Also included is an introduction to the theme of the dinner: the implications of inculcating children with moral relativism in our public schools. Continue reading »

Sep 092012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release


An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from FP leader Paul McKeever

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario:

In the coming days, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party will attempt to grab headlines with a phony plan to tackle the budget deficit by reforming health care delivery. It will be a phony plan, because it will propose no reduction in health care spending and so will have no impact on budget expenses. Continue reading »

Aug 222012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release


An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from FP leader Paul McKeever

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario:

We are all being distracted. We are being manipulated. We are not being told what we need to know.

Ontario currently has by-elections underway in Vaughan and Kitchener-Waterloo that will determine whether or not Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals gain a majority government. But that’s not the major issue.

The major issue is that Ontario is facing a budget crisis, soaring debt, and a plummeting credit rating that will devastate Ontario’s economy and impoverish everyone living in the province. Yet neither Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals, nor Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives have plan to cut spending, balance the budget, and end the crisis. Continue reading »

Aug 162012


On August 16, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Sun News Network’s “The Arena” with host Michael Coren. In this episode, Michael and Paul discuss a number of invasive and silly by-laws that local governments are passing. More generally, they discuss the question: how do we end up with such nanny state by-laws? Continue reading »