Feb 202001

2001-02-20.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On February 20, 2001, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda London Ontario’s proposed privacy legislation, which critics complained would – among other things – give rise to easy access to personal health information by the government, by employers, and by prospective employers. Also a guest on this episode: Ann Cavoukian (Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner). Continue reading »

Feb 202001

2001-02-20.mckeeverVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On February 20, 2001, then Freedom Party of Ontario executive member Paul McKeever appeared before Ontario’s Standing Committee on Justice and Social Policy to testify in opposition to Bill 155, which was titled “Remedies for Organized Crime and Other Unlawful Activities Act, 2000”. The bill was introduced by then Ontario PC MPP and Attorney General Jim Flaherty. It later was passed into law.

The bill allows the government to cease private property from its owner even without charging the owner with an offence. Freedom Party opposed the bill on both philosophical and legal grounds.

The transcript of the day’s hearing can be read here: http://tinyurl.com/nu6khaa Continue reading »

Feb 062001

2001-02-06.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On February 6, 2001, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London Ontario’s Bill 155, which would allow for the seizure of a person’s property if that property might be used in a crime or if the property might have been obtained through the commission of an offence (but without the need to lay a charge or to convict the person from whom the property is seized). Also a guest on this episode: Margaret Beare (Associate Professor of Sociology, York University; and Director for the Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption), and Rocco Cleveland (Staff Superintendent, Toronto Police Service). Continue reading »

Jan 192001

2001-01-19.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On January 19, 2001, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London a report about a 16-year old student who spent 30 days in jail for having written a story – titled “Twisted” – as a class project. The story is about a tormented teen plans to blow up his school. The real-life teen author (who had experienced bullying in a school in Cornwall, Ontario) was charged with uttering death threats. Punished for fiction? Can we predict violence in schools? Also guests in this episode: Steward Auty (President, Canadian Safe School Network) and Rose Dyson (author of “Mind Abuse”). Continue reading »

Dec 212000

2001-01-19.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On December 21, 2000, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London a recommendation by a federal transportation agency that obese air passengers be given two seats for the price of one, arguing that obese passengers are disabled and should be given accommodation for their “special needs”. Also guests in this episode: Helena Spring (Canadian Association for Size Acceptance) and Hugh Scher (lawyer, Scher and DeAngelis). Continue reading »

Nov 152000

2000-11-15.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On November 15, 2000, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda London the emergence of “hard core hate sites” on the Internet. Rhonda poses the question: “Is Hate Literature Free Speech?”. Also a guest on this episode: Abbee Corb (Simon Wiesenthal Centre). Continue reading »

Oct 312000

2000-10-31.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On October 31, 2000, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London Canada’s DNA databank and a twice convicted arsonist who is challenging in court a court order for the seizure of his blood, against his will, for DNA analysis purposes. Also guests on this episode: Scott Newark (lawyer), Priscilla Devilliers (President CAVEAT – Canadians Against Violence Everywhere Advocating for its Termination). Continue reading »

Aug 282000

2000-10-31.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 28, 2000, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, McKeever discussed with host Rhonda London proposed changes to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, especially concerning an increase to 60 of the maximum number of hours that an employee can work for an employer each week. Also a guest on this episode: Brian O’Keefe (Secretary Treasurer, Canadian Union of Public Employees). Continue reading »

Aug 012000

2000-08-01.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On August 1, 2000, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) was a guest of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, Metz discussed with host Rhonda London an Ontario Progressive Conservative proposal for mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. Also guests on this episode: Joe Cordiano (Liberal Party of Ontario critic for Community and Social Services) and Andrea Calver (Ontario Coalition for Social Justice). Continue reading »