Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Eliminate Ontario’s Gasoline Tax.

Transcript: “Ontario’s gasoline tax was introduced by the Conservatives in 1925. Last year, Dalton McGuinty started charging H.S.T. on gasoline. He even taxed the tax. Two taxes is too much. A Freedom government will eliminate the old gasoline tax. That will reduce the price of gasoline by 16.6 cents per litre. Fill ‘er up, with Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Restore Sensible Highway Speed Limits.

Transcript: “On Ontario’s highways, the speed limit used to be 113 kilometres per hour. In 1976, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives reduced the limit to 100. Today, traffic moves along our highways, at approximately 120 kilometres per hour. A Freedom government will increase the speed limit to 120 on Ontario’s 400-series highways. Speed limits that make sense. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Alcoholic Beverages: Wider Selection, Lower Prices, Shopping Convenience.

Transcript: “You’re at the 24 hour grocery store. Your friends are coming over for dinner in a few minutes, but you have no wine or beer to offer them. You check your watch. The liquor store and The Beer Store are both closed. With a Freedom government, this will never happen again. If you are an adult, you’ll be able to buy wine or beer in a grocery store, or in a convenience store, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Convenience, from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Separating Public Schools and Organized Religious Practice.

Transcript: “Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals are now allowing organized prayer services in Ontario’s public schools during class. Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives say they’ll do nothing to stop it. That’s because PC leader Tim Hudak is now quietly committed to faith-based public schools. [Tim Hudak]: ‘Choice, but within our public school system’. A Freedom government will say ‘no’ to faith-based public schools. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Aug 022011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Separating Public Schools and Organized Religious Practice.

Commercial #1, Transcript: “In Toronto, public schools are holding prayer services on school property during school hours. In Windsor, Ontario, public schools are teaching Muslim students in Arabic. There are reports that some of Ontario’s public schools refuse to serve any meat that is not prepared according to Islamic law. Religion is a private matter. A Freedom government will separate religious practice and public eduation immediately. Freedom Party.”

Commercial #2, Transcript: “The following message is authorized by Freedom Party of Ontario. Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives are at it again. In 2007, they said they wanted to make taxpayers subsidize faith based private schools. [John Tory]: ‘You know, it’s still called the theory of evolution’. [John Tory]: ‘Fund all faiths…’. [Tim Hudak]: ‘I supported, for example, the tax credit we had for independent schools.’ Now the Progressive Conservatives are quietly planning to create faith-based public schools. [Tim Hudak]: ‘Create competition and choice, but within our public school system’. Say ‘no’ to faith-based funding. On October 6, 2011, say ‘no’ to Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives.”

Commercial #3, Transcript: “Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals are now allowing organized prayer services in Ontario’s public schools during class. Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives say they’ll do nothing to stop it. That’s because PC leader Tim Hudak is now quietly committed to faith-based public schools. [Tim Hudak]: ‘Choice, but within our public school system’. A Freedom government will say ‘no’ to faith-based public schools. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Jul 062011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Freedom, Justice, and Peace During International Political Meetings .

Transcript: “Before the mass arrests. Before the claim that this isn’t Canada anymore. [Officer: “This ain’t Canada right now”; Pedestrian: “This isn’t Canada right now?” Officer: “No.”]. Before McGuinty’s secret five-metre rule. [Officer: “You’re within five metres of this wall so please turn off your video camera.”] Before the burning cars and broken windows, there was the decision to hold a politically explosive event in a city of millions, at a cost of billions. A Freedom government will require international political meetings to be held in remote locations, not in our cities. Keeping the peace safely and affordably: Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Jun 132011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Restore Sensible Highway Speed Limits.

Transcript: “On Ontario’s highways, the speed limit used to be 113 kilometres per hour. In 1976, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives reduced the limit to 100. Today, traffic moves along our highways, at approximately 120 kilometres per hour. A Freedom government will increase the speed limit to 120 on Ontario’s 400-series highways. Speed limits that make sense. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

May 172011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Alcoholic Beverages: Wider Selection, Lower Prices, Shopping Convenience.

Selection – Transcript: “This is Crystal Head vodka: a premium vodka made in Canada. This is Smash Bomb Atomic IPA: a premium ale brewed in Barrie, Ontario. For reasons of political correctness, you cannot buy these products in L.C.B.O. stores. A Freedom government will allow other stores to open and sell even the products that the L.C.B.O. refuses to sell. A wider selection for adults: Freedom Party.”

Price – Transcript: “In Ontario today, it is against the law to sell a bottle of beer for less than $1.08. It is also against the law to sell a bottle of liquor for less than $22.80. The L.C.B.O. dictates the price of all alcoholic beverages, even at The Beer Store. A Freedom government will eliminate Minimum Pricing laws. Every store will be free to compete for your business by lowering their prices. Lower Prices: Freedom Party.”

Convenience – Transcript: “You’re at the 24 hour grocery store. Your friends are coming over for dinner in a few minutes, but you have no wine or beer to offer them. You check your watch. The liquor store and The Beer Store are both closed. With a Freedom government, this will never happen again. If you are an adult, you’ll be able to buy wine or beer in a grocery store, or in a convenience store, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Convenience, from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Apr 222011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: End Forced Religious Observance: Choice in Shopping .

Transcript: “Ontarians celebrate hundreds of religious holy days every year. But, in 1975, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives passed a special law that has fined and imprisoned retailers who have opened their stores on Christian holy days. A Freedom government will scrap the Conservatives’ shopping ban. You will no longer be forced to observe any religious holy days. An Ontario that doesn’t play favourites. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »