Sep 092012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release


An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from FP leader Paul McKeever

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario:

In the coming days, Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party will attempt to grab headlines with a phony plan to tackle the budget deficit by reforming health care delivery. It will be a phony plan, because it will propose no reduction in health care spending and so will have no impact on budget expenses. Continue reading »

Aug 222012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release


An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from FP leader Paul McKeever

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario:

We are all being distracted. We are being manipulated. We are not being told what we need to know.

Ontario currently has by-elections underway in Vaughan and Kitchener-Waterloo that will determine whether or not Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals gain a majority government. But that’s not the major issue.

The major issue is that Ontario is facing a budget crisis, soaring debt, and a plummeting credit rating that will devastate Ontario’s economy and impoverish everyone living in the province. Yet neither Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals, nor Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives have plan to cut spending, balance the budget, and end the crisis. Continue reading »

Aug 142012

Freedom Party of Ontario has nominated Freedom Party candidate David Driver in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo, and Freedom Party candidate Erin Goodwin in the riding of Vaughan, for the Thursday, September 6, 2012 by-elections that will occur in those two ridings (voting information is available from Elections Ontario). “Freedom Party is proud to endorse the candidacy of these exceptional, outgoing individuals” says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever. “Voters looking for a fiscally-responsible alternative to the largely-indistinguishable Liberals, NDPs, and PCs have a golden opportunity to start Ontario’s recovery by electing David Driver and Erin Goodwin in their respective ridings”. Continue reading »

Aug 132012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release

PC MPP Peter Shurman Lashes Out at FP Leader on Facebook

Shows why PC success against Libs is as elusive as its positions on the issues

August 13, 2012 Toronto – On Sunday (August 12, 2012), Ontario Progressive Conservative Finance Critic Peter Shurman lashed out at Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever on over comments made by McKeever while a guest of Jim Richards’ Showgram on Toronto news-talk radio station CFRB 1010 AM (August 9, 2012 – click here to hear the audio). Now, under fire even in the conservative media for his party’s waffling on the issue of wine and beer in corner stores, Shurman expressed anger with McKeever, whose party is on the record campaigning unequivocally for allowing wine and beer to be sold in corner stores. Continue reading »

Jun 022012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release

Sunday Marks 20th Anniversary of Sunday Shopping in Ontario

Freedom Party of Ontario releases online historical archive of the 85 year ban

June 2, 2012 Toronto – Tomorrow, Sunday June 3, 2012, marks the twentieth anniversary of the defeat of the 85 year ban on Sunday shopping. Twenty years ago tomorrow, then-Premier Bob Rae announced that the ban was being repealed, effective immediately. Continue reading »

May 222012

Re: Organized Islamic Prayer Session at the Royal Ontario Museum

Dalton McGuinty, Premier
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1

Michael Chan, MPP, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
450 Alden Road Unit 5
Markham, Ontario L3R 5H4

May 22, 2012

Dear Premier McGuinty and Minister Chan:

Re: Islamic Prayer Session at the Royal Ontario Museum

I am writing to you today in response to a report, published late yesterday, that the Royal Ontario Museum allegedly was allowed to be used as a place of organized religious worship on May 21, 2012: the Monday of Ontario’s Victoria Day long weekend. A patron of the museum reported that, on May 21, while he was attending the museum: Continue reading »

Apr 222012

Ontario’s MPPs may have differing party colours but, for attendees to Freedom Party’s first dinner of 2012, one thing is perfectly clear: all of those MPPs are Red. Freedom Party filled the Starlight room on the top floor of Toronto’s Primrose Hotel last night where attendees heard speeches by the party brass and applauded as distinguished supporters of the party were given awards in recognition of their efforts. Continue reading »

Apr 042012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Revenue-Neutral Ontario Budget Tweak Will Shave
10% Off of Price of Gasoline

April 4, 2012 Toronto – With today’s gasoline prices in the range of $1.40/litre, Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever is encouraging Members of the Ontario Legislature to make a revenue-neutral tax tweak that would shave $8.46 off of the price of a 60 litre tank of gasoline. The full particulars are set out in Freedom Party of Ontario’s 2012 Opposition Budget (available here). However, one of the budget proposals in the Freedom budget is that Ontario’s small-revenue consumption taxes be eliminated, and that the revenue from those taxes be completely recouped by raising the HST rate by 2.4 points to 15.4%. A calculation demonstrating the effect of that proposal on the price of gasoline today is set out below. Continue reading »