Jan 052006

“Recent comments by Progressive Conservative opposition leader John Tory, about who and what is responsible for murders and murderers in Toronto, have insulted millions of Ontarians, says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever. They have also helped leftists to promote the growth of government by sowing the seeds of social discord…” [Click here to read the full release]

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Jun 092005

“Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, praised the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision today which declared unconstitutional a Quebec law prohibiting individuals from spending their own money on health care services. His party views the decision as added fire-power for its unique stand on the issue leading into Ontario Election 2007…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 072005

“…Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever, says the government, with the opposition’s assistance, is engaging in a political fraud: that the public is being misled so that they will embrace legislation designed to load government costs onto the backs of employees and private sector employers…” [Click here to read the full release]