Oct 122010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank on Secure, Private, Convenient Voting.

Transcript: “Imagine it’s voting day in Ontario. Some of us are enjoying time with our children. Some of us are cooking. Some of us find it difficult to get around. And, some of us are stuck at the office, working late, and the polls are closing. I’m Paul McKeever. Isn’t it time we were able to vote with one of these? A freedom government will make it happen. Voting, with security, privacy, and convenience. Another forward-looking idea from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Oct 122010

“The Freedom Party of Ontario is targeting Progressive Conservative opposition leader Tim Hudak in a pre-election video ad released today. The Freedom ad condemns Hudak’s plan to spend tens of billions of dollars on new nuclear power generating stations. The release of the ad coincides with the beginning of Hudak’s two-week pre-election television commercial campaign…” Click here to read the full media release.

Oct 122010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank on affordable electricity.

Transcript: “Ontario’s Liberals and Progressive Conservatives believe that the top priority for Ontario’s electricity system is fighting climate change. Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals want to fight climate change by forcing you to pay hugely inflated prices for wind and solar power. Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives want to fight climate change by forcing you to pay tens of billions of dollars for new nuclear power generators. We haven’t even paid for the old ones yet. I’m Paul McKeever, and I won’t spend one dollar of your money fighting natural climate change. A Freedom government will ensure that top priority is given to supplying you with the lowest-price electricity available.” Continue reading »