Nov 092010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Scrap the Health Premium and Eliminate the HST Tax Grab.

Transcript: “In 2003, Dalton McGuinty promised he wouldn’t raise taxes. As soon as he became Premier, he imposed a three billion dollar per year health premium. After his 2007 election, Mr. McGuinty said the new HST would be revenue neutral. He now admits it’s another three billion dollar tax increase. A Freedom government, will eliminate Mr. McGuinty’s three billion dollar health premium, so that the HST will indeed be revenue neutral, as was promised to you. Responsible tax elimination, from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Nov 092010

“The HST’s $3B “tax grab” should be eliminated by scrapping the almost $3B Ontario Health Premium. So says a 2011 election plank issued today by Freedom Party of Ontario. The plank is being promoted with a new pre-election video ad critical of Dalton McGuinty’s two most high profile broken tax promises…” Click here to read the full media release.

Aug 012010

McKeever releases “The Principle of Pot” documentary; Emery extradited; Vaughan joins Metz to co-host Just Right, plus Euro-correspondent Paul Lambert; Coulter Free to Speak – on Just Right; who’s new on Just Right: high-profile news-makers speak their minds; Toronto ‘wins’ Pan-Am game bid…taxpayers lose; winning bid for Pan Am games would be a loss for city; FP speakers at London (Ontario) City Hall tax rally; citizens to tell politicians to stop reckless spending; A-Channel’s Don Mumford gets an ‘A’ from Just Right. Continue reading »

Jun 232010

“Eliminating Ontario’s Health Premium would make the July 1st, 2010 imposition of Ontario’s Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) almost revenue neutral”, says Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever. “I am calling upon the Premier to eliminate the Health Premium as soon as the Legislature can effect that change…” Click here to read the full media release.

Nov 192009


On November 19, 2009, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever, George Breckenridge (political science professor at McMaster University) and Matthew Johnson (publisher, Western Standard) were panelists on “On the Line” (CTS) with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: Canada’s revamped Citizenship Guide warns barbaric practices will not be tolerated; HST – economic boost or tax grab?; UN convention on the rights of the child – How is Canada fairing in terms of child poverty. Continue reading »

Sep 252007

“For voters and reporters who have not had the opportunity to attend the local debates, and for those reporting on the activities of party leaders during this election, we provide this list of recordings that have been made in London ridings, and which can now be found on the web…” Click here to read the full media release.