Dec 031984

1984-12-04.ntfpagcVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In this cablecast and newscast from December 3, 1984, Freedom Party supporters, organized as the No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee, are seen holding up signs (at London City Hall, during a council meeting) in opposition to London using tax revenues to pay for the hosting of the 1991 Pan Am Games. This recording ends with snippet from a separate newscast that was recorded on the same video tape. Continue reading »

Apr 011984

Openers; From the President; Talkin’ Philosophy; School Boards in the Real World; Censorship (newspaper coverage); Planning and Preparation for Municipal Elections (Part Two); INSERT: “Marc Emery: He’s against big government and thinks most people agree” (newspaper profile); “Political crusader’s proselytizing pays off” (newspaper coverage); “Integrity of pornography inquiry attacked by London libertarian” (newspaper coverage). Continue reading »

Apr 141983

Published by later-to-be Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, four issues of the London Metrobulletin were published in 1983 using equipment purchased from the defunct London Tribune newspaper (formerly owned by Marc Emery, Robert Metz, and others).

Contents of the May-June, 1983 Issue:
Who are the London delegates favouring for the Conservative leadership bid?; Should parents be permitted to direct their education taxes to a school of their choice? (Alan Wheable and H.K. Vandezande); Rebuttal to arguments expressed by Dr. Gail Hutchinson (Robert Metz); Long live the cruise; Poor no more?; Notes; Labour vs. Labour: the anatomy of the labour movement (Robert Metz); The true believer run amok (Herman Goodden); On my spring break; Blinded by science; Taking a bite out of education taxes; Metrobulletin triva quiz. Continue reading »

May 241980

1980-xx-xx.emery-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In this news item, it is reported that Marc Emery will be challenging a resolution by London City Council that approved a $100,000.00 budget for a London Business Improvement Area (BIA) association that, pursuant to a provincial law, could be formed and funded by taxes imposed upon businesses within the area. It is reported that the motion is to be heard by the Ontario Supreme Court on June 26.

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May 231980

1980-xx-xx.emery-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

In this extended news item, Marc Emery explains why he is opposed to the new Business Improvement Area tax in west London, Ontario; he explains that 1/3rd of the number originally queried about imposing the tax are currently opposed to the tax, and that Emery expects to find 85 to 90% of business persons in the area to be opposed to it. He explains that about 300 businesses were needed to oppose the imposition of the tax, and that about 110 did oppose (however, the vast majority of the 850 or so businesses polled about the tax did not respond to the questionnaire, and the absence of their response was taken by the city to be equivalent to a vote in favour of the tax). Emery submits that about 15 or 20 businesses were able to get the tax imposed. He submits that although 800+ businesses will be forced to contribute taxes, only about 30 businesses will benefit from the money spent (the other businesses being too far away from where the money will be spent). A full 6% of the $100,000.00 in tax revenues collected will come from just one of the 800+ taxed businesses: insurer London Life.

This recording is a combination of two recordings, the second – having occurred one day later – was London Mayor Al Gleeson’s response to Emery’s position on the BIA tax. Gleason essentially takes the position that, for those who were out-voted, “too bad”. He takes issue with Emery’s submission about only 30 businesses benefitting. He also explains that the enabling provincial legislation was imposed in 1977 (which was a year in which Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives were in government).

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May 181980

1980-xx-xx.emery-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

Radio show “Voices” profiles the ongoing dispute between Marc Emery (who, in 1984, would co-found Freedom Party of Ontario) and west London’s business community (and Mayor Al Gleeson) over the imposition of a new tax on business owners in west London. It is reported that Emery will not pay a new Business Improvement Area (BIA) tax, and could face court action if he does not pay. Marc Emery describes who was motivated to ask for the tax and why. He explains that businesses should be free to spend their own money advertising as they see fit, rather than being forced to pay into a pool that will be used to promote the downtown (which, he explains, will not work). Jack Blair, president of the Downtown Business Improvement Association says that those who oppose the tax simply do not understand the benefits of what it will achieve. Mayor Al Gleeson is heard stating that the tax is a legal by-law and that the city will seek enforcement through the courts against a person who does not pay it. He criticizes the validity of Emery’s petition (which he is circulating among other store owners in the area) and says that Emery should spend his efforts supporting the BIA, rather than opposing it.

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