Sep 011990

1990-09-xx.metz-thumb.2VIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In September of 1990, during Ontario’s general election, Rogers held a televised leaders debate that included all but the three leaders whose parties most recenty held seats in Ontario’s Legislature. Debaters: Robert Metz (then leader, Freedom Party of Ontario), Elizabeth Rowley (Communist Party), Jim Harris (Green Party), James Stock (Libertarian Party), and Louis di Rocco (Family Coalition Party). Hosted by David Schatzky. Questions from callers: How would each party get AIDs medicines to patients without patients having to pay the high cost of those medicines; What would each party do about funding to public schools?; What is the Family Coalition Party’s position on homosexuality?; What would the Green Party do with respect to garbage and energy lost with our waste?; Where do the candidates stand on the issue of Sunday shopping?; What is Freedom Party’s position on the right to recall (i.e., unseat) MPPs when they do not keep their problems?; Is the Libertarian party committed to more funding for police forces to “combat the rampant drug problem in this province”?; What kind of program does the Communist Party have?; What is each party’s position on multiculturalism?; What is each party’s position on rent controls?; What is each party’s position on immigration?; What is each party’s position on abortion?; What is each party’s position on Worker’s Compensation? Continue reading »

Dec 151983

Published by later-to-be Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, four issues of the London Metrobulletin were published in 1983 using equipment purchased from the defunct London Tribune newspaper (formerly owned by Marc Emery, Robert Metz, and others).

Contents of Issue #4:
What is the issue in Grenada? (Mark Pettigrew); Youth against war: So who isn’t?; A letter from the Publisher; Content quotas on automobiles (Peter Kennedy vs. Alex Beretta); Rebuttals to our last issue’s subject: Abortion (L.L. De Veber vs. Marc Emery); London Survey Shows Voters Want Prudent City Government; Stealing in the name of the Lord (Robert Metz); Should libraries pay royalties to Canadian authors? (Herman Goodden); Is socialized medicine a sacred cow? (Murray Hopper); Look! Up in the Sky! It’s a bird.., it’s a plane, its…garbage! (John Cossar); London’s project: Energy from waste; Best of Queen’s Park; Are we all just going to blow up, or what? (Ken Jones); In defence of hate literature and other passions of the mind (Marc Emery); Weep not for the elderly: They never had it so good (Marc Emery); Lessons in Censorship I: Pornography again? [We’re sick and tired of hearing about it too] (Robert Metz); Lessons in Censorship II: Feminists; Lessons in Censorship III: The law; The best of Parliament Hill; Abortion: a need for private care (Kathleen Yurcich);