May 152013

2013-05-15.mckeeverAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

On May 15, 2013, “Philosophy in Action” podcast creator and host Dr. Diana Hsieh interviewed Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever on the topic of “Winning Elections with the Freedom Party of Ontario”. Dr. Hsieh framed the show as follows: “Can a political party based on principles of individual rights win elections? Perhaps so – and Paul McKeever has a strategy for doing so with the Freedom Party of Ontario.Paul McKeever is the Leader of Freedom Party of Ontario. Paul joined Freedom Party in 1992. He first ran as a candidate for Freedom Party in Ontario’s 1999 election. He became a Freedom Party spokesperson that year, and the party leader in 2002.”

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Feb 072013

“I’m Still Seeing Read (Robert Metz); FP Dinner Event: Breaking with Tradition; RED ALERT! – note of warning followed by celebration; Make It Go!; Anderson, Mansur, Coren Speak out on ‘the 3 Rs’ Reading, Writing, and Relativism; 57 Freedom Party candidates establish new Ontario milestone; 14 new ‘Freedom 200’ pin recipients include party leader McKeever; 18 Freedom Party election planks – 18 steps in the right direction; Another Freedom Party First; a brief history of Freedom Party’s election platforms; Freedom’s principals on freedom’s principles; the Four Pillers of Freedom (Just Right – show highlights); Freedom vs. Libertarianism; Freedom Party of Ontario invites YOU to become a Freedom Party candidate in the upcoming election. Continue reading »

Oct 272012


On October 27, 2012, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a panelist on “Inside World Report” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses the presidential debates between Barak Obama and Mitt Romney, and the death of former Ontario Lieutenant Governor General Lincoln Alexander. Continue reading »

Aug 222012

Freedom Party of Ontario


For immediate release


An Open Letter to the People of Ontario from FP leader Paul McKeever

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ontario:

We are all being distracted. We are being manipulated. We are not being told what we need to know.

Ontario currently has by-elections underway in Vaughan and Kitchener-Waterloo that will determine whether or not Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals gain a majority government. But that’s not the major issue.

The major issue is that Ontario is facing a budget crisis, soaring debt, and a plummeting credit rating that will devastate Ontario’s economy and impoverish everyone living in the province. Yet neither Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals, nor Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives have plan to cut spending, balance the budget, and end the crisis. Continue reading »

Aug 142012

Freedom Party of Ontario has nominated Freedom Party candidate David Driver in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo, and Freedom Party candidate Erin Goodwin in the riding of Vaughan, for the Thursday, September 6, 2012 by-elections that will occur in those two ridings (voting information is available from Elections Ontario). “Freedom Party is proud to endorse the candidacy of these exceptional, outgoing individuals” says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever. “Voters looking for a fiscally-responsible alternative to the largely-indistinguishable Liberals, NDPs, and PCs have a golden opportunity to start Ontario’s recovery by electing David Driver and Erin Goodwin in their respective ridings”. Continue reading »

Oct 052011

by Paul McKeever, Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario

On November 20, 2010, the party I lead – Freedom Party of Ontario – held a pre-election dinner for the October 6, 2011 election. As party leader, I gave a speech to the attendees in which I explained Freedom Party’s strategy for this election. Our strategy was (and is) based upon my predictions about the fate of the Progressive Conservatives in this election.

Did my predictions pan out? Judge for yourself. To get to the meat of my argument, skip ahead to about 11mins, 30 seconds (click here):

Sep 262011

Blogger’s “Sexiest Election Candidate” poll has Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever facing off against Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty

September 26, 2011 Toronto – Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever will face off against Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty in blogger Zach Bussey’s “Sexiest Election Candidate” poll. By 12:01 AM on September 26, voters had preferred McKeever over former Sault Ste. Marie Liberal MPP David Orazietti, leaving McKeever and McGuinty as one of four pairs of men left competing in round 3 of the entertaining online poll. Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak lost to Liberal Energy Minister Brad Duguid in round 1. Duguid lost to Liberal Karl Walsh in Round 2. Continue reading »