Jul 251985

1985-xx-xx.keegstra-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

On July 25, 1985, Wayne McLean and Ann Robel, hosts of “Hotline” (Radio 98, London, Ontario) held a 2-hour radio discussion with Jim Keegstra, who had just been convicted in Alberta on a criminal hate speech violation: he had been sentenced to pay a fine of $5,000.00. Keegstra denied several widely accepted historical accounts of what happened in Hitler’s Germany, and believed that Jewish people – as a collective/group – were involved in a conspiracy to take over the world. Keegstra had been a mayor and a school teacher. After spending some time interviewing Keegstra, Keegstra stayed on the line as the show took calls from listeners in the London area, including Freedom Party president Robert Metz and Marc Emery (Action Director). Metz pointed out that both Keegstra and his opponents were making the same mistake: essentially judging people as a collective (in this case, Jewish people). He pointed out that such collectivism and suppression of speech were exactly the sorts of things that Hitler used to oppress Jews and others, and that gave rise to the second world war. Emery – who had personally interviewed Holocaust survivors and published their accounts in his publications, including the London Metrobulletin – explained that although he rejected Keegstra’s claims, he thought it important for every individual – right or wrong – to be free to express his or her views. He also pointed out that law enforcement tends to apply censorship laws not against big media companies, but against individuals with limited financial means of defending themselves.

Five (and, again 11) years later, the Supreme Court of Canada would reject Keegstra’s challenge to the constitutionality of Canada’s criminal law against the wilful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group. He received a one-year suspended sentence, one year of probation, and community service. Keegstra died in Alberta on June 2, 2014.

Excerpts (McLean, Robel and Emery, Metz):
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Jun 121985

1985-xx-xx.mood-peterson-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:

On June 12, 1985, David Peterson (then leader of the Ontario Liberal Party and premier-in-waiting) was a guest of the Wayne McLean talk show. Topics covered: taxpayer funding for the Pan-Am Games; facilities for women; contracts with hospital workers; extra-billing for health care services; Ontario Hydro debt; funding for Catholic high schools; de-indexing of pensions; beer and wine in corner stores; a bill on status Indians; difference between the Liberals and NDP; minimum wage laws; tuition fees and high grades needed to attend university; and a domed stadium for Toronto.

At the 36:15 point in the recording, Freedom Party of Ontario’s Gord Mood calls in and asks for difference between Liberals and NDP. Peterson says that the NDP are socialists and the Liberals are not. He then asks Gord the difference between the socialists and Premier Miller. Mood replies that Miller apparently has caved-in to the radical left within and without of his party. Gord then asks about wanting to work for less than the minimum wage: is it better for him not to work than to work at less than the minimum? Peterson says that Gord seems to be trying to catch him in a logical trap.

Gord Mood Excerpt:
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Jun 011985

Issue #5: First half of 1985 – Freedom in Action; Front Page, Marc Emery, FP Action Director guest on open-line radio; Robert Metz audio tapes on election 1985; Pan-Am update; (Openers) Metz discusses multiple topics from current political events to community involvement; Hear the Voice of Freedom Party, cassette tapes of debates and radio talk shows; No Tax for Pan-Am games campaign successful; Excerpts from Pan-Am newspaper articles (London Free Press); Pan-Am related political cartoons (London Free Press); Excerpts from newspaper articles Pan-Am Games, Capital Gains, Bob Rae on Income Tax (Globe & Mail); Eaton’s Unionization Strike a Failure; Eaton’s Strike a Scam, Garth Turner, Excerpts from newspaper article (Toronto Sun); Freedom and Responsibility in Ontario’s Educational System, details and proposals on education.

Issue #6: Election 1985, Creating a Choice, Political cartoon (London Free Press); Article, FP Campaign Director, Marc Emery; Fringe Parties don’t go anywhere – FP election activities – newspaper excerpts (London Free Press); Freedom Party Candidates 1985; Feminists Avoid Freedom Party; More, No Tax for Pan-Am Victory, history of the campaign, flyer, document and newsletter reprints.

NOTE: Issue 5 of the No Tax for Pan Am Committee Newsletter was included, as an insert, in this double issue. Continue reading »

Apr 011984

Openers; From the President; Talkin’ Philosophy; School Boards in the Real World; Censorship (newspaper coverage); Planning and Preparation for Municipal Elections (Part Two); INSERT: “Marc Emery: He’s against big government and thinks most people agree” (newspaper profile); “Political crusader’s proselytizing pays off” (newspaper coverage); “Integrity of pornography inquiry attacked by London libertarian” (newspaper coverage). Continue reading »

Sep 011983

Published by later-to-be Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, four issues of the London Metrobulletin were published in 1983 using equipment purchased from the defunct London Tribune newspaper (formerly owned by Marc Emery, Robert Metz, and others).

Contents of Issue #3:
A letter from the Editor; Letters to the Editor; Abortion: Legality, morality, and government involvement (Marc Emery versus Joan Lenardon); What is ‘right’ and ‘left’ anymore? (John Cossar); Bill Peterson and David Davis: Leaders of the same party (Robert Metz); Fireside chats (Herman Goodden); The politics of censorship (Robert Metz); What is a right, anyway? (John Cossar); Parents permitted a school of their choice (Alan E. Wheable); TANSTAAFL (Rob Smeenk); In defence of variety store smut (Marc Emery); Brian Mulroney and Gord Walker: Contradic-Tory’s; Things you can read on the bus.

SPECIAL DOOMSDAY SURVIVAL SUPPLEMENT: Life and death when nuclear war comes to London; How nuclear war will likely happen; What is a nuclear weapon?; Sounds bad? You can survive!; All you ever needed to know about fallout [but were afraid to know]; How to make your own fallout filter and pump; Survival in your shelter; Emerging into your new world; Is London a target?; What can you do to help avert war and ecological disaster?; Civil defence; Myths and falsehoods of nuclear weapons; Glossary; How to make the Kearny fallout meter; Appendix; Fallout map of Southwestern Ontario. Continue reading »

Apr 141983

Published by later-to-be Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, four issues of the London Metrobulletin were published in 1983 using equipment purchased from the defunct London Tribune newspaper (formerly owned by Marc Emery, Robert Metz, and others).

Contents of the May-June, 1983 Issue:
Who are the London delegates favouring for the Conservative leadership bid?; Should parents be permitted to direct their education taxes to a school of their choice? (Alan Wheable and H.K. Vandezande); Rebuttal to arguments expressed by Dr. Gail Hutchinson (Robert Metz); Long live the cruise; Poor no more?; Notes; Labour vs. Labour: the anatomy of the labour movement (Robert Metz); The true believer run amok (Herman Goodden); On my spring break; Blinded by science; Taking a bite out of education taxes; Metrobulletin triva quiz. Continue reading »