On June 12, 1985, David Peterson (then leader of the Ontario Liberal Party and premier-in-waiting) was a guest of the Wayne McLean talk show. Topics covered: taxpayer funding for the Pan-Am Games; facilities for women; contracts with hospital workers; extra-billing for health care services; Ontario Hydro debt; funding for Catholic high schools; de-indexing of pensions; beer and wine in corner stores; a bill on status Indians; difference between the Liberals and NDP; minimum wage laws; tuition fees and high grades needed to attend university; and a domed stadium for Toronto.
At the 36:15 point in the recording, Freedom Party of Ontario’s Gord Mood calls in and asks for difference between Liberals and NDP. Peterson says that the NDP are socialists and the Liberals are not. He then asks Gord the difference between the socialists and Premier Miller. Mood replies that Miller apparently has caved-in to the radical left within and without of his party. Gord then asks about wanting to work for less than the minimum wage: is it better for him not to work than to work at less than the minimum? Peterson says that Gord seems to be trying to catch him in a logical trap.
Audio Details:
Radio Program: The Wayne McLean Talk Show
Host: Wayne McLean
Guest: David Peterson (leader, Ontario Liberal Party)
Aired: June 12, 1985
Radio Station: AM980 CFPL – London, Ontario
Recorded: June 12, 1985
Duration (Whole Recording): 43 minutes, 12 seconds
Duration (Gord Mood excerpt): 3 minutes, 49 seconds
File Format: MP3
File Size: 9.3 MB (excerpt) / 41.5 MB (whole recording)
URL (excerpt) –
URL (whole recording) –