Oct 042005


Table of Contents; Quotations; A Message from Paul McKeever; Scrap Ontario’s Income Tax; Legalize Better Health Care; Paying for Health Care: The Facts; Improve Education; Choice in Education?; Improve the Supply of Electricity; Restore Fair Auto Insurance; Scrap Property Taxes; Budgeting Better Health Care and Education.
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Jan 011999


Statement of Principle; Where We Stand!: Official Platform – Freedom Party of Ontario – Members Draft – December, 1998; Policy and Platform: Freedom; Aboriginal Issues; Abortion; Academic Freedom; Affirmative Action; Auto Insurance; Balanced Budgets; Business; Calgary Framework; Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Censorship; Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Children & Child Care; Constitution; Crown Corporations; Culture; Democracy; Discrimination; Drug Laws; Education; Electoral Reform; Environment; Freedom of Choice; Freedom of Speech; Freedom Party; Free Enterprise; Free Markets; Free Trade; Fundamental Freedoms; Government; Gun Control; Health Care; Health Tax; Housing; Human Rights Commission (Ontario); Individual Rights; Insurance; Interest Rates; Jobs; Justice; Law; Lobby Groups; Majority Rule; Marijuana; Market Value Assessment; Medicare; MPP Salaries & Pensions; Multiculturalism; Official Bilingualism; OHIP; Ontario Hydro; Politics; Political Correctness; Pollution; Poverty; Principles; Property Rights; Property Taxes; Protectionism; Public Transit; Quebec; Racism; Referendums; Rent Controls; Self Defence; Socialism; Sunday Shopping; Taxation; Unemployment; Unions; Universality; Wealth; Welfare; Workers’ Compensation; Workfare.
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Apr 211988

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
On April 20, 1988, Ontario finance minister Robert F. Nixon tabled the Liberal government 1988 provincial budget. It proposed, in part, that Ontario’s Retail Sales Tax be increased by one percentage point: up to 8% from 7%. The tax increase was, therefore, one of the subjects of discussion on Radio 98’s “Talkback” program, in the days that followed. Freedom Party president Robert Metz called-in, and explained that taxes are the secondary issue, and that the main issue is getting spending under control. He speaks, especially, to Ontario’s two most expensive programs: health care and education.



Complete Recording
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