Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Oct 222006

2006-10-22.fptv-2.1-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

Episode 2: The Morning Commute. Part 1 of 4 parts. While driving to his office, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses a range of topics. In this part: My son John Law; the York-Durham diesel train; follow-up to episode 1 re: the PCs; bacon, eggs, and Oakley for breakfast; funding the TTC; unions, strikes, essential services and slavery; Uxbridge growing pains; displacement, rubber, leather, and my Pontiac GXP; lay-offs, downsizings and economic turmoil. Recorded: October 20, 2006. Continue reading »

Oct 132006

“Freedom Party of Ontario today has launched “FPTV”, a “channel” on the popular website . FPTV will facilitate publicly-viewable two-way communications between party leader Paul McKeever and those who would like him to address questions or comments concerning the party, its leader, and the governance of Ontario…” Click here to read the full media release.

Jul 012006

Freedom Party launches 2007 election platform on October 4, 2005: exactly 2 years prior to 2007 election polling day; Openers: Some Frank talk about Freedom Party and freedom; Tax Targeted (London Free Press); In-your-face billboards speak directly to Ontario voters; Freedom Party ‘mystery’ dinner excites, delights attendees; Freedom Party Kicks Off Campaign (London Free Press); Dinner attendees meet ‘Frank’ – Freedom Party’s new mascot; Who must you be to be Frank? A message from Paul McKeever, Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario; Consumption Tax Cure for Revenue Gap (a column by Paul McKeever, published in the Financial Post); Scoring Points in Battle of the Gap (Toronto Star); The Riding Where the Toughest Job is Being Right (National Post); Ontario by-elections a sobering reminder of voter and media inertia; By-elections a Gauge for McGuinty (Toronto Star); Constituency associations: every candidate needs one. Continue reading »

Mar 212006

2006-03-21.mckeeverVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On March 21, 2006, candidates in the Whitby-Ajax by-election engaged in a televised debate. The by-election was called after the resignation of Jim Flaherty who had sat as as the riding’s (Progressive Conservative) MPP. Debaters: Paul McKeever (leader, Freedom Party of Ontario), Nick Boileau (Green Party of Ontario), Julie Gladman (Ontario NDP), Christine Elliot (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario), Judi Longfield (Ontario Liberal Party). The by-election ultimately was won by Christine Elliott, who was Flaherty’s spouse. Continue reading »