Search Results : “paul mckeever”

Oct 032011

If voters elect a Freedom government on October 6, 2011:
lower prices, greater convenience, and wider selection start November 25

October 3, 2011 Toronto – Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever announced today that, if a Freedom government is elected on October 6, 2011, its proposed changes to the price and availability of beer, wine and liquors will take effect on November 25 (the biggest North American Christmas shopping day of the year, known to some – e.g., in the USA – as “Black Friday”). Those changes will include: elimination of the beer tax and wine tax; allowing convenience, grocery, and other private stores to sell wine and beer in competition with the LCBO and Beer Store; and ending the ban on the purchase and sale of products deemed by the LCBO to be politically incorrect. Continue reading »

Sep 272011

If elected, a Freedom government will end Ontario’s 18-year
limitation on the number of physicians; students encouraged to write MCAT

September 27, 2011 Toronto – University students or graduates may find their chances of being accepted to medical school doubling, starting with admissions to the 2013 first year class. That is just one of the implications of Freedom Party’s proposal to restore to Ontarians the health care choices they had before 1969, when the Progressive Conservatives banned private payment options and established a government health care monopoly. Continue reading »

Sep 252011

If voters elect a Freedom government on October 6, 2011
organized prayer services will not resume in November

September 25, 2011 Toronto – Freedom Party leader Paul announced that, if a Freedom government is elected on October 6, 2011, the planned November resumption of Islamic prayer services at Toronto’s Valley Park Middle School will be canceled. Freedom Party’s 2011 election plank promises to separate organized religious practice from Ontario’s secular public school system. Continue reading »

Sep 182011

“Freedom Party leader and No Tax for Pan Am Spokesperson Paul McKeever is condemning PC Leader Tim Hudak for his too-little-too-late open letter of September 18, 2011 to Dalton McGuinty concerning cost over-runs in Toronto’s hosting of the 2015 Pan Am Games. Freedom Party formed a No Tax for Pan Am Games committee on August 24, 2009 to oppose taxpayer funding for Toronto’s bid to host the games, and has continued to oppose and document cost over-runs on its web site. Until today, Hudak and the PCs have been utterly silent, and have offered up no defence of the taxpayer with respect to the 2015 Pan Am Games…” Click here to read the full media release.

Sep 132011

Freedom Party received an e-mail from a graduate student, K, who wrote, in part:

As a scientist-in-training, I applaud your party’s commitment to reason and in particular your suggestions to separate religious practice from schooling. However, I take issue with your party’s stance on pesticides.

There are two problems I have with this. The first is that it’s one thing to let people expose themselves to whatever toxic substance they wish, but nobody has a solid wall around their property that blocks windborn movement of pesticides, or insects (whose good health is important to birds, pollination services, and many small mammals). Consider it like having a neighbour blaring loud music at all hours of the day: their right to play loud music doesn’t override your right to be able to enjoy your property (including having a good night’s sleep).

The second I have is an issue of onus. While you argue that it is irrational to ban something that hasn’t been proven to be unsafe, I would argue the opposite: the onus is on government to regulate items that are not necessary (and really, a green lawn is not particularly necessary to one’s survival, ability to hold down a job, or have a family) that cannot be proven to be safe and impact everyone around them. Think of it like recreational drugs: I think it’s any one person’s (of age) choice to take recreational substances, but I don’t think people have the right to smoke indoors at their workplace where other people are forced to also consume that drug.

Toxicology is an immensely complicated science (and I’m appalled at the difficulties researchers in that field have with obtaining funding). And the tricky part about it is that testing on pregnant women or small children is unethical. But I think just because something hasn’t been proven to be safe, doesn’t mean it is. And we need to balance the benefits that item brings us versus the potential costs–I don’t think a green lawn is really more important than our health.

Anyway, I’m happy to hear what you think!

I replied as follows. Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Eliminate the Beer Sales Tax (B.S.T.).

Transcript “On Canada Day, 2010, the Liberal government of Dalton McGuinty quietly introduced the B.S.T.: a tax only on beers brewed in Ontario. There’s no B.S.T. on imported beer. A Freedom government will eliminate the B.S.T.. That will knock as much as five dollars and seventy-six cents off the price of a case of the many fine beers brewed right here in Ontario. Freedom Party. No B.S. …T.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Close Ontario’s Race-based Public Schools.

Transcript: [Muhammad Ali]: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. [Paul McKeever]: “Ontario’s public schools should not tell children that this man is among the greatest black athletes in history. They should tell children that this man is among the greatest athletes in history. A Freedom government will eliminate race-focused public schools.” [Muhammad Ali]: “I am the greatest!” [Paul McKeever]: “One race, the human race. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Restore Fair Auto Insurance.

Transcript: “Ontario’s Liberals imposed no-fault auto insurance in 1990. The no-fault system has been a failure. No-fault has forced drivers to pay higher premiums for shrinking benefits. Most of us are afraid to make an insurance claim. A Freedom government will change the law. Your premiums will not increase when another driver is responsible for injuring you or damaging your vehicle. Restoring fairness in auto insurance. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Sep 072011


This election commercial was aired on Sun News Network during the Ontario general election of 2011 to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Eliminate Dalton McGuinty’s Pesticide Ban.

Transcript: “In 2009, Ontario’s Liberal government banned lawn and garden pesticides. [Dalton McGuinty]: ‘We’re gonna ban the sale of those cosmetic pesticides.’ The McGuinty government says you don’t need pesticides. We think Ontario doesn’t need pests. A Freedom government will eliminate the pesticide ban. Ontario will have beautiful lawns and gardens again. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »