Mar 102011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Restore Fair Auto Insurance.

Transcript: “Ontario’s Liberals imposed no-fault auto insurance in 1990. The no-fault system has been a failure. No-fault has forced drivers to pay higher premiums for shrinking benefits. Most of us are afraid to make an insurance claim. A Freedom government will change the law. Your premiums will not increase when another driver is responsible for injuring you or damaging your vehicle. Restoring fairness in auto insurance. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Mar 022011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Eliminate Ontario’s Gasoline Tax.

Transcript: “Ontario’s gasoline tax was introduced by the Conservatives in 1925. Last year, Dalton McGuinty started charging H.S.T. on gasoline. He even taxed the tax. Two taxes is too much. A Freedom government will eliminate the old gasoline tax. That will reduce the price of gasoline by 16.6 cents per litre. Fill ‘er up, with Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Feb 212011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Cancel the 2012 Ban on Incandescent Light Bulbs .

Transcript: “Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals want to ban the incandescent bulb in 2012. Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives have wanted them banned since 2007. Ontario has no shortage of electricity. A Freedom government will not ban the incandescent bulb. Switch-on to Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Jan 252011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Close Ontario’s Race-based Public Schools.

Three parts:

1. Muhammad Ali. Transcript: [Muhammad Ali]: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. [Paul McKeever]: “Ontario’s public schools should not tell children that this man is among the greatest black athletes in history. It should tell children that this man is among the greatest athletes in history. A Freedom government will eliminate race-focused public schools.” [Muhammad Ali]: “I am the greatest!” [Paul McKeever]: “One race, the human race. Freedom Party.”

2. Toronto’s Africentric School. Transcript: [CTV]: “Late last night, the Toronto District School Board approved a controversial proposal to create the city’s first black-focus public school”. [Paul McKeever]: “In 2008, the Toronto school board decided to establish a black-focused public school. Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty refused to stop it.” [CTV]: “…but he is not taking any action to stop the board from establishing the school”. [Paul McKeever]: “Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives did not object to it. The school now teaches little children that their potential, and their values, are determined by the colour of their skin. A Freedom government will eliminate race-based public schools.” [Jordan Manners’ mother, Loreen Small]: “This black school thing: no, it ain’t right”. [Paul McKeever]: “One race, the human race. Freedom Party”.

3. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Transcript: [Paul McKeever]: “Ontario’s public schools should not tell children that this woman is among the worlds most important black advocates of reason.” [Ayaan Hirsi Ali]: “…as opposed to leading your life according to a set of so-called divine ideas”. [Paul McKeever]: “They should tell children that she is among the world’s most important advocates of reason.” [Ayann Hirsi Ali]: “Life is an end in itself…the freedom of the individual goes above anything that any god can say.” [Paul McKeever]: “A Freedom government will eliminate race-focused public schools in Ontario. One race, the human race. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Dec 202010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Eliminate the Beer Sales Tax (B.S.T.).

Transcript: “On Canada Day, 2010, the Liberal government of Dalton McGuinty quietly introduced the B.S.T.: a tax only on beers brewed in Ontario. There’s no B.S.T. on imported beer. A Freedom government will eliminate the B.S.T.. That will knock as much as five dollars and seventy-six cents off the price of a case of the many fine beers brewed right here in Ontario. Freedom Party. No B.S. …T.” Continue reading »

Dec 052010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Separating Prayer from Official Government Proceedings.

Transcript: “Since 9/11, Canadian soldiers have continued to be murdered by people who believe that government should be the hand of god. But did you know that, in 2008, Ontario’s Liberals and Progressive Conservatives decided officially to open the Ontario Legislature’s daily proceedings with prayers to Allah and several other gods? Democracy’s enemies must learn that, in Ontario, the government has no authority other than that delegated to it by the people it serves. A Freedom government will eliminate official prayer in the Ontario Legislature. Freedom Party: defending democracy.” Continue reading »

Nov 092010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Scrap the Health Premium and Eliminate the HST Tax Grab.

Transcript: “In 2003, Dalton McGuinty promised he wouldn’t raise taxes. As soon as he became Premier, he imposed a three billion dollar per year health premium. After his 2007 election, Mr. McGuinty said the new HST would be revenue neutral. He now admits it’s another three billion dollar tax increase. A Freedom government, will eliminate Mr. McGuinty’s three billion dollar health premium, so that the HST will indeed be revenue neutral, as was promised to you. Responsible tax elimination, from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Nov 022010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank on Safe and Convenient Access: Cannabis Medicine Centres.

Transcript: “Canada’s courts made the medicinal use of cannabis legal over a decade ago. Still, all we hear is this: [Voice of Tim Hudak, Leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party] “Here’s what I would do as Premier…we close down drug ops”. As a result, police continue to raid medical cannabis dispensaries, as part of an American-style war on cannabis. A Freedom government will make medical cannabis dispensaries a recognized part of Ontario’s health care system. It will be illegal for the police to raid a medical cannabis dispensary. Compassion, from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Oct 272010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank on Electing Ontario’s Senate Nominees.

Transcript: “The Senate. They call it Canada’s house of sober second thought. But since the birth of Canada, Canada’s Liberals and Progressives have treated it as a retirement club for party loyalists. Hello, I’m Paul McKeever, leader of Freedom Party of Ontario. A Freedom government will give you what Ontario’s Liberals and Progressive Conservatives have denied Ontario for over 143 years: the democratic right to elect Ontario’s Senate nominees. Another forward-looking idea from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Oct 122010


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank on Secure, Private, Convenient Voting.

Transcript: “Imagine it’s voting day in Ontario. Some of us are enjoying time with our children. Some of us are cooking. Some of us find it difficult to get around. And, some of us are stuck at the office, working late, and the polls are closing. I’m Paul McKeever. Isn’t it time we were able to vote with one of these? A freedom government will make it happen. Voting, with security, privacy, and convenience. Another forward-looking idea from Freedom Party.” Continue reading »