Nov 212010

updates-blog-entryNovember 21, 2010 – Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever spoke with a “class” of Freedom Party members, supporters, and potential candidates concerning the party’s views on the proper philosophy and role of government. The class was video and audio taped. The video can be watched on the Freedom Party International YouTube channel. Titled “Freedom School, Episode 3” the video is divided into four parts.

Nov 202010

updates-blog-entryNovember 20, 2010 – Freedom Party held a sold-out dinner today at London’s Station Park Inn for party members and supporters. Freedom Party’s Robert Vaughan admonished Conservative parties for taking him down the garden path, wasting his time and money. Freedom Party President Robert Metz gave a presentation showing how Freedom Party members are complimenting Freedom Party’s advocacy of Freedom by way of radio and video programs. Party leader Paul McKeever laid out the party’s strategy and tactics heading into the October 6, 2011 election, and disclosed some of the main issues that will be tackled by the party’s election planks as they continue to be released. Update: Videos of the three presentations are now available. Watch them, below. Continue reading »

Nov 092010

“The HST’s $3B “tax grab” should be eliminated by scrapping the almost $3B Ontario Health Premium. So says a 2011 election plank issued today by Freedom Party of Ontario. The plank is being promoted with a new pre-election video ad critical of Dalton McGuinty’s two most high profile broken tax promises…” Click here to read the full media release.

Nov 022010

“Safe, clean, and properly operated medical cannabis dispensaries (also known as “compassion clubs”) should be made a recognized part of Ontario’s health care system. So says a 2011 election plank issued today by Freedom Party of Ontario. The plank is being promoted with a new pre-election video ad…” Click here to read the full media release.

Nov 022010


On November 2, 2010, Paul McKeever gave a speech to cannabis consumers at Vapor Central (a cannabis vapor lounge) 667 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Z9 (2nd floor). The subject of the speech was the announcement of Freedom Party of Ontario’s 2011 election plank titled “Safe & Convenient Access: Cannabis Medicine Centres”. This document is the written text he prepared for his speech. Continue reading »