Jan 011987

FP Action Campaign Take Off in Ontario, Aurora, Newmarket, Hamilton, Burlington, Metro Toronto, Mississauga, London, St. Thomas, Keswick, Sarnia; (Openers) Metz discusses plans for 1987, Censorship Alert campaign; An Experience to Remember, Michael Emerling (Essence of Political Persuasion), Photos from FP Workshop – October 1986; BIA Campaign Mushrooms Into Major Effort, Merchants meet ant-BIA Group – excerpt (Hamilton Spectator); FREEDOM Party goes to the marketplace to support Sunday Choice, Marc Emery on CFPL-TV, Sunday Shopping, Retail Business Holidays Act; Scores of Charges Laid Over Sunday Shopping (Globe & Mail), Group Stages Blitz for Sunday Choice (Toronto Sun), Grocery Stores Continue to Defy Closing Law (St. Thomas Times Journal); Freedom Party Newspaper Campaign; Election 1987, election call expected in Spring; List of FP Publications.. Continue reading »

Sep 011986

Enthusiasm: The Emerling Experience; The Great Debate: Communism vs. Freedom (No Debate at All); Largest Petition in London’s History Presented to City Council; “Roll back your pay 4,500 tell aldermen” (newspaper coverage); Letter to Editor (London Free Press): “Petition deserved better than council snub”; Toronto & London FP Supporters Fight Business Improvement Area Taxes; The Future of Rent Control; Meet Lloyd Walker. Continue reading »