May 011991

Document Description:
This booklet is one of four records of action published by Freedom Party of Ontario to give its members and supporters a brief overview of its activities since the party’s founding in 1984. The four records of action were as published follows:

– “Your Money’s Worth!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1991” (~1991)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1992” (~1992)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1994” (April, 1995)
– “On the Record!: Freedom Party In Action! 1984-1997” (July, 1997) Continue reading »

Mar 151991

Politicians, teachers targets during tax group’s session; Freedom Party helps launch taxpayer coalition chapters; Elgin citizens are urged to not pay tax increase; Tax Axioms; Trustees get taste of taxpayer temper; Rebels achieve little even when they win; Falling into the poverty trap; News makers and events; $387,522,403,456 ‘Debt clock’ tells tale; Tax fighters seek Ontario-wide support; Coalition warns taxes withheld; Tax fighters ready to battle governments. Continue reading »

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Feb 011991

Freedom Party Launches ‘Ax the Tax’ Campaign; Special Anti-Tax Newsletter Published – The Tax Act; Socialism 102 – What’s Next? Fascism? – Commentary By Robert Metz; At Rope’s End – Tax Revolt In Ontario; Monteith Urges Citizens Not To Pay Tax Increase; Emery Resigns; Fp Launches Media Blitz; “High Costs, Taxes, Driving Jobs South” Says Frampton in Toronto Star Editorial. Continue reading »

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Dec 011990

“Openers” by Robert Metz
“Can We Survive Democracy – Part 1: The Curse of Majority Rule” by Marc Emery and Robert Metz
“Can We Survive Democracy – Part 2: Freedom Betrayed – The Inevitable Course of Majority Rule” by Robert Metz and Marc Emery
“Can We Survive Democracy – Part 3” by Robert Metz
“No Referendums, Please!” by Marc Emery
“Representing the Individual: Elections in a Free Society” by William Frampton
“The Issue is Consent!” by Robert Metz
“Microcosm” by Marc Emery
“Only Rights Review the Wrongs of Democracy” by Greg Jones
“The World’s Second Democracy” by William Peterson
“For the Record” by Murray Hopper
“Light Humour” Continue reading »

Oct 011990

Election ’90 Overview: So What’s Wrong With Socialism? Socialism 101: What To Expect Under Bob Rae’s Majority NDP Government – Commentary By Robert Metz; Freedom Party Fields Candidates in 10 Ontario Ridings; Over 100,000 pieces of Fp Election Literature Delivered to Ontarians; CBC Radio Interview With Freedom Party Leader Robert Metz; Freedom Party Appears on First Election Poll. Continue reading »

May 011990

“No Fair!” Says Fp Leader Robert Metz About Taxation; “Of The People, By The People, and For the People” – Democracy Reconsidered; Focus on the Environment – Fp Leader Robert Metz Participates in Media Forum On the Environment; Reforming Canada’s election laws; democracy and freedom; Sunday shopping; Fp’s Barry Fitzgerald Wins Battle to Force City of Welland to Clean Up the Welland River; Fraser Institute’s Senior Economist, Dr. Walter Block, Presents Fp Members And Supporters With A Reconciliation of Economics And The Environment; What Do We Owe The Poor?; No-fault insurance; Freedom 200 pins. Continue reading »