Nov 202001

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-media-release-thumbOn November 20, 2001, Freedom Party of Ontario notified the media that Freedom Party would be hosting a dinner in London, Ontario with the theme “Freedom v. Terrorism”, and with guest speakers Kenneth Hilborn and John Thompson.





Document Details:

Document: Media Release
Document Dated: November 20, 2001
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario
Author: Robert Metz
Document Type: Letter
Number of Pages: 3 (+copy of distribution list)
Page dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour

Internet Quick Download format: .pdf (searchable image); size: 2.1 MB; URL:

Archive format: .pdf (searchable exact); size: 7.0 MB; URL:

Oct 012001

Two-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s November 24, 2001 “Freedom vs. Terrorism” Dinner at the Seven Drarfs Restaurant in London, Ontario. Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Enclosures include: two-sided promotional poster (8.5″x11″, featuring guest speakers Kenneth Hilborn and John Thompson), and a response form. Continue reading »

Jan 012001

“True Rights are Freedoms, not Powers” by Edward W. Younkins
“Conservative Gridlock (An Open Letter to Tom Long)” by Joe Armstrong
“Anti-“Hate” Legislation: A Threat to Academic Freedom” by Kenneth Hilborn
” ‘Human Rights’: The new euphemism for coercive State Socialism” by Dick Field
“Please Rise and Sing” by Tyler Chilcott Continue reading »

Sep 012000

The 1999 Election Campaign Lloyd Walker – “I Have Seen the Enemy; Fp’s campaign against politically correct thought control; The 1999 Ontario General Election Campaign; Elijah Elieff launches $1.3 million lawsuit against those he holds responsible for the loss of his (former) Cheyenne Ave. apartment buildings; The phenomenally successful ISIL Conference in London; plus Letters to Fp! Continue reading »

Oct 011999

Four-page hardcopy letter from Robert Metz to members and supporters of Freedom Party of Ontario, inviting them to Freedom Party’s October 23, 1999 dinner at the 7 Dwarves restaurant in London, Ontario. The dinner featured guest speaker Rory Leishman (National Affairs Columnist for the London Free Press), and was held to help raise funds for Elijah Elieff’s 1998 lawsuit against Reverend Susan Eagle, the London Free Press and others who he believed had smeared him and financially ruined him. The letter included 7 pages of inserts, including profiles of Elieff, Leishman, and Metz, and related news clippings. The mailer was Mailed to members and supporters via Canada Post. Continue reading »

Jan 011999


Statement of Principle; Where We Stand!: Official Platform – Freedom Party of Ontario – Members Draft – December, 1998; Policy and Platform: Freedom; Aboriginal Issues; Abortion; Academic Freedom; Affirmative Action; Auto Insurance; Balanced Budgets; Business; Calgary Framework; Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Censorship; Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Children & Child Care; Constitution; Crown Corporations; Culture; Democracy; Discrimination; Drug Laws; Education; Electoral Reform; Environment; Freedom of Choice; Freedom of Speech; Freedom Party; Free Enterprise; Free Markets; Free Trade; Fundamental Freedoms; Government; Gun Control; Health Care; Health Tax; Housing; Human Rights Commission (Ontario); Individual Rights; Insurance; Interest Rates; Jobs; Justice; Law; Lobby Groups; Majority Rule; Marijuana; Market Value Assessment; Medicare; MPP Salaries & Pensions; Multiculturalism; Official Bilingualism; OHIP; Ontario Hydro; Politics; Political Correctness; Pollution; Poverty; Principles; Property Rights; Property Taxes; Protectionism; Public Transit; Quebec; Racism; Referendums; Rent Controls; Self Defence; Socialism; Sunday Shopping; Taxation; Unemployment; Unions; Universality; Wealth; Welfare; Workers’ Compensation; Workfare.
Continue reading »

Jun 011998

The Calgary Declaration Our readers speak! Feedback, good and bad; No room for freedom in Calgary Framework, Walker’s message to legislature; Roots of Change Conference urged to put freedom first!; Funds appeal launched for London landlord Elijah Elieff; Harris and Walker on proportional representation; Manning criticized for his theory of Confederation; Joe Armstrong visits Freedom Party; APEC publishes Leitch address to Freedom Party; Property Rights Dialogue; Flat Tax Advocates; Website draws visitors from around the world; Drug Laws; Racism; Education – Protesting the Protestors; …and much, much more! Continue reading »