May 131999


On May 13, 1999, Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever, Paul William Roberts (author), Anwar Syed (Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association) and Rukhsana Khan (author), were panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: Salman Rushdie (author of “The Satanic Verses”) and the fatwa issued on February 14, 1989 by Iran’s then “supreme leader” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini calling upon all Muslims to kill Rushdie for having insulted the Prophet Mohammed in “The Satanic Verses”, a book that Khomeini said was “blasphemous against Islam”. Continue reading »

Apr 211999

1999-04-21.metz-ryan-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On April 21, 1999, Robert Metz (President, Freedom Party of Ontario) and Sid Ryan (President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in Ontario – CUPE) were panelists on an episode of Rhonda London Live. In this episode, the panel discusses a recent strike by Toronto Transit Commission workers and the relevance of unions today. Continue reading »

Jan 011999


Statement of Principle; Where We Stand!: Official Platform – Freedom Party of Ontario – Members Draft – December, 1998; Policy and Platform: Freedom; Aboriginal Issues; Abortion; Academic Freedom; Affirmative Action; Auto Insurance; Balanced Budgets; Business; Calgary Framework; Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Censorship; Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Children & Child Care; Constitution; Crown Corporations; Culture; Democracy; Discrimination; Drug Laws; Education; Electoral Reform; Environment; Freedom of Choice; Freedom of Speech; Freedom Party; Free Enterprise; Free Markets; Free Trade; Fundamental Freedoms; Government; Gun Control; Health Care; Health Tax; Housing; Human Rights Commission (Ontario); Individual Rights; Insurance; Interest Rates; Jobs; Justice; Law; Lobby Groups; Majority Rule; Marijuana; Market Value Assessment; Medicare; MPP Salaries & Pensions; Multiculturalism; Official Bilingualism; OHIP; Ontario Hydro; Politics; Political Correctness; Pollution; Poverty; Principles; Property Rights; Property Taxes; Protectionism; Public Transit; Quebec; Racism; Referendums; Rent Controls; Self Defence; Socialism; Sunday Shopping; Taxation; Unemployment; Unions; Universality; Wealth; Welfare; Workers’ Compensation; Workfare.
Continue reading »

Jun 011998

The Calgary Declaration Our readers speak! Feedback, good and bad; No room for freedom in Calgary Framework, Walker’s message to legislature; Roots of Change Conference urged to put freedom first!; Funds appeal launched for London landlord Elijah Elieff; Harris and Walker on proportional representation; Manning criticized for his theory of Confederation; Joe Armstrong visits Freedom Party; APEC publishes Leitch address to Freedom Party; Property Rights Dialogue; Flat Tax Advocates; Website draws visitors from around the world; Drug Laws; Racism; Education – Protesting the Protestors; …and much, much more! Continue reading »