Sep 122006


On September 12, 2006, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz and Neals Chitan (president of Motiv-8 for Change) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses how the events of September 11, 2001 have changed the world; federal Conservative government’s decision to kill Canada’s Kyoto Accord pledge; and Pope Benedict statement that Canada is turning its back on God. Continue reading »

Sep 012006


On the John Oakley Show (AM640, Toronto) Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario discussed the crisis in Caledonia and his Toronto Star op-ed, which condemned PC leader John Tory for his position on the issue.

Listen to the entire conversation:

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Jul 142006

2006-07-14.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On July 14, 2006, Paul McKeever (Freedom Party of Ontario), Sid Ryan (President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees – CUPE – Ontario) and journalist Claire Hoy, were panelists on the Michael Coren Show. The panel discussed the use – by Palistinian terrorists – of human shields in the dispute with Israel; dress codes in schools, including grills; and the burning of a copy of the Diary of Anne Frank by neo-Nazis in Germany. Continue reading »

Jul 012006

Freedom Party launches 2007 election platform on October 4, 2005: exactly 2 years prior to 2007 election polling day; Openers: Some Frank talk about Freedom Party and freedom; Tax Targeted (London Free Press); In-your-face billboards speak directly to Ontario voters; Freedom Party ‘mystery’ dinner excites, delights attendees; Freedom Party Kicks Off Campaign (London Free Press); Dinner attendees meet ‘Frank’ – Freedom Party’s new mascot; Who must you be to be Frank? A message from Paul McKeever, Leader, Freedom Party of Ontario; Consumption Tax Cure for Revenue Gap (a column by Paul McKeever, published in the Financial Post); Scoring Points in Battle of the Gap (Toronto Star); The Riding Where the Toughest Job is Being Right (National Post); Ontario by-elections a sobering reminder of voter and media inertia; By-elections a Gauge for McGuinty (Toronto Star); Constituency associations: every candidate needs one. Continue reading »