May 212007

2007-05-21.fptv-11-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On long weekends, and at other times when demand for gasoline increases, gasoline prices often increase. Many politicians jump on this opportunity to allege “collusion” among gasoline companies, and to call prices increases “price gouging”.

On May 17, 2007 – the Thursday prior to the Victoria Day long weekend in Ontario – Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives (PCs) introduced a private members Bill (Bill 228, Gas Prices Notice Act, 2007) which would require gasoline companies to give consumers three days advance notice of any increase in gasoline prices. One day later, PC leader John Tory issued a press release stating he told gasoline companies that they “must” do a better job of “justifying” their prices.

In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever discusses the injustice of calling the proper functioning of the price system “price gouging”, and explains how the PCs bill would actually cause consumers to force gasoline companies to sell fuel below cost: Bill 228 replaces alleged “price gouging” with patently obvious “fuel gouging”. Continue reading »

May 182007


On May 18, 2007, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and Rochelle Wilner (B’nai Brith Canada) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: clinical psychologist says “teens lie, get over it”; Mennonite group upsets Canadians from Iran by inviting radical Iranian scholors to spiritual dialogue; former First Nations leader declares Israel a model for natives. Continue reading »

May 172007

2007-05-17.fptv-10-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Every party is often asked: “Who is your constituency? The poor? The rich? Business? Workers?” et cetera. For most political parties, the honest answer is that they try to win collectives to their side, in an attempt to cobble together enough votes to win seats. Most parties are not guided by any real philosophy of any sort, instead playing the numbers game to win power.

Was it always this way? In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains why so many parties are completely lacking in any philosophical commitments, and why they seek mainly to please the majority.

Along the way, Paul relates his explanation to paintings, popular music, and a speech by author/novelist Ayn Rand.

Who is Freedom Party’s constituency? Watch and find out. Maybe, it includes you. Continue reading »

May 042007

2007-05-04.fptv-9-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
In mid February of 2007, the McGuinty government announced that it was considering a host of power conservation measures, including a ban on the incandescent lightbulb. Both the governing Liberals and the opposition Progressive Conservatives referred to this proposal as one aimed at fighting global warming by limiting CO2 emissions. Opposition leader John Tory actually suggested that the ban should be imposed immediately, to fight global warming, and that McGuinty’s slowness to ban the incandescent bulb was unacceptable.

In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever exposes the actual reason for the incandescent lightbulb ban in Ontario. Hint: it isn’t a fight against global warming. Continue reading »

Apr 162007


On April 16, 2007, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and John Thompson (President, Mackenzie Institute) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: the overhauling of the Safe Schools Act (deemed biased against black students); how the cost of soldier deaths in Afghanistan affected our views of the mission?; 3 university lacrosse players in North Carolina found falsely accused of sexual assault: what does justice demand? Continue reading »

Apr 042007

2007-04-04.fptv-8-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
It is expected that, on May 15, 2007, Ontario’s Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform will recommend replacing Ontario’s Single Member Plurality (SMP or “First Past the Post”) electoral system with the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system. If it does so, Ontario will hold a referendum on October 10, 2007, to decide whether or not to replace Ontario’s SMP system with the MMP system.

The key difference between the two electoral systems is that the SMP tends to yield single-party majority governments, whereas the MMP tends to create minority governments.

In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains to Ontario’s Select Committee on Electoral Reform that minority governments exclude the possibility of rational and exclude ethics from the law-making process. Only a majority government, submits McKeever, allows a government to make laws according to what is right rather than just according to what is merely popular.

NOTE: the Select Committee was comprised of elected members of the provincial legislature and held its hearings in 2005. On the basis of its report, the government set up Ontario’s Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform. Continue reading »