Feb 122013

2013-02-12.menzoid-mornings.mckeever.2013-fp-budgetVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On February 12, 2013, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was the guest of David Menzies’ “Menzoid Mornings”. Sitting with David in the “Man Cave”, McKeever gave a brief overview of Freedom Party of Ontario’s 2013 Opposition Budget, released that day. You’ll find the document here: https://freedomparty.on.ca/archive/documents/2013/2013-opposition-budget/2013-02-12.opposition-budget.pdf Continue reading »

Feb 122013

Freedom Party of Ontario


To the 107 Members of the Ontario Legislature

Dear Members of the Ontario provincial Legislature:

Re: Freedom Party of Ontario’s 2013 Opposition Budget

As the time approaches to draft and debate Ontario’s 2013 budget, I submit to you, for your consideration, Freedom Party of Ontario’s proposed 2013 Opposition Budget for the province… [Click here to read the full release]

Feb 072013

“I’m Still Seeing Read (Robert Metz); FP Dinner Event: Breaking with Tradition; RED ALERT! – note of warning followed by celebration; Make It Go!; Anderson, Mansur, Coren Speak out on ‘the 3 Rs’ Reading, Writing, and Relativism; 57 Freedom Party candidates establish new Ontario milestone; 14 new ‘Freedom 200’ pin recipients include party leader McKeever; 18 Freedom Party election planks – 18 steps in the right direction; Another Freedom Party First; a brief history of Freedom Party’s election platforms; Freedom’s principals on freedom’s principles; the Four Pillers of Freedom (Just Right – show highlights); Freedom vs. Libertarianism; Freedom Party of Ontario invites YOU to become a Freedom Party candidate in the upcoming election. Continue reading »

Jan 232013

2013-01-23.arena.mckeever.coren.idle-no-moreVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On January 23, 2013, Freedom Party leader was a guest of “The Arena” (Sun News Network) with host Michael Coren. The topic of discussion: What is at the root of the Idle No More protests, vandalism, and opposition to the Indian Act? What does it mean when the police refuse to enforce property rights? Why is property rights versus aboriginal culture a phony dichotomy? Continue reading »

Dec 212012

L to R: Robert Metz, Paul McKeever

The word “libertarian” is used in both a formal sense and an informal sense. When a socialist Liberal politician exclaims that the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation, he is called a civil “libertarian”. When a theocratic Conservative politician calls for a reduction in taxes, he too is called a “libertarian”. And when an “anarcho-capitalist” economist calls for the elimination of government, he is called a “libertarian”. So what does the word actually mean? Continue reading »

Dec 052012


On London Today (NewsTalk 1290AM CJBK, London, Ontario, with host Andy Oudman) Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario, discussed a Freedom Party of Ontario media release re: Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak’s promotion of a Freedom Party plank – presented as a PC party policy trial balloon – to open up the LCBO and The Beer Store to competition from other stores (such as grocery stores and 24 hour convenience stores).

Listen to the entire conversation:

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