Dec 311987


“The Issue is Consent” by Robert Metz
“Who Speaks for Business?” by Marc Emery
“Taxes” by William Frampton
“Protectionism” by David Pengelly
“Can Democracy Save South Africa” by Ian Gillespie and Marc Emery
“Dave Davis and Bill Peterson: Leaders of the Same Party” by Robert Metz
“Unions vs. Freedom of Choice” by Lloyd Walker
INSERT: December 1987 letter from Robert Vaughan, Managing Editor Continue reading »

Feb 011987


Report to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs: Recommended Changes To Section 217 of the Municipal Act (Business Improvent Areas-BIAs). A Freedom Party of Ontario report to the Ontario Legislature, penned by Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery. Continue reading »

Aug 021985

1985-fpo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
In 1984, Ontario’s public secondary schools were government-funded (i.e., tax-funded) in all grades, but Catholic schools were government-funded only up to grade 10. Beyond grade 10, a tuition had to be paid by the parents of students attending grades 11 through 13 at a Catholic secondary school. In June of 1984, Ontario Premier Bill Davis reversed his party’s long-standing opposition to full funding for Catholic schools: he proposed funding grades 11 through 13, beginning in September of 1985 with grade 11, adding grade 12 in 1986 and grade 13 in 1987. Catholic schools – which were private – would be turned into government schools. By August 2, 1985, an Ontario provincial general election had resulted in the ouster of the PCs (for the first time in 42 years). The province now was governed by David Peterson’s Liberals.

Peterson decided to go ahead with full funding for Catholic secondary schools, starting in September 1985. So, on August 2, 1985, talk radio host Wayne McLean (AM980, London, Ontario, a.k.a. CFPL AM, a.k.a. Radio 98) invited George McLintock (Coalition for Public Schools) and Ken Regan (London and Middlesex Catholic School Board) – opponents on the issue of full funding for Catholic schools – in-studio to address the question: “Do you support full funding for Catholic schools?”. As usual, McLean took calls from his listeners. Freedom Party president Robert Metz was among them and explained that both McLintock and Regan were on the same side: the anti-freedom side.

Robert Metz Excerpt:

Complete Recording:
Continue reading »

Jun 011985

Issue #5: First half of 1985 – Freedom in Action; Front Page, Marc Emery, FP Action Director guest on open-line radio; Robert Metz audio tapes on election 1985; Pan-Am update; (Openers) Metz discusses multiple topics from current political events to community involvement; Hear the Voice of Freedom Party, cassette tapes of debates and radio talk shows; No Tax for Pan-Am games campaign successful; Excerpts from Pan-Am newspaper articles (London Free Press); Pan-Am related political cartoons (London Free Press); Excerpts from newspaper articles Pan-Am Games, Capital Gains, Bob Rae on Income Tax (Globe & Mail); Eaton’s Unionization Strike a Failure; Eaton’s Strike a Scam, Garth Turner, Excerpts from newspaper article (Toronto Sun); Freedom and Responsibility in Ontario’s Educational System, details and proposals on education.

Issue #6: Election 1985, Creating a Choice, Political cartoon (London Free Press); Article, FP Campaign Director, Marc Emery; Fringe Parties don’t go anywhere – FP election activities – newspaper excerpts (London Free Press); Freedom Party Candidates 1985; Feminists Avoid Freedom Party; More, No Tax for Pan-Am Victory, history of the campaign, flyer, document and newsletter reprints.

NOTE: Issue 5 of the No Tax for Pan Am Committee Newsletter was included, as an insert, in this double issue. Continue reading »

Jan 011985

1984-xx-xx.emery-letter-pan-amVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In this TV London News newscast from late 1984 or early 1985, it is reported that London, Ontario’s Pan Am Games bid committee – committee of London businessmen and others who are trying to get the city to pay (with tax revenues) for a 1991 hosting by London of the Pan Am Games – is reducing the size of its bid. The report speculates that a reduction of the amount sought by the committee may be in response to the expansion of the No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee’s efforts to inform Londoners about the costs and the over-stated benefits of making taxpayers foot the bill. The No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee was led by Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz, and worked in conjunction with the efforts of Marc Emery, who spearheaded the opposition effort. Emery, at the time, was a co-founder of Freedom Party, and was its Action Director. Continue reading »