Aug 232003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario PC’s: Common Sense Dead, Not Just Sleeping

August 23, 2003 – Oshawa – “The PC party’s common sense experiment with free market solutions is ended, and the party has returned to the government-knows-best attitude that led the PCs to nationalize hydro, monopolize health care, and impose price controls and subsidies on everything from rent to auto insurance…”At this point,” says McKeever “advocates of free market economics who end up voting PC in the coming election are probably best understood as having Battered Tory Syndrome…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 262003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Wedgie Implemented, What Have You Left to Offer Ontario, Mr. Eves?

June 26, 2003 – Oshawa – “With the passing into law of another ration of an education tax credit, and an age-discriminatory property tax cut for seniors, the most headline-grabbing “wedge issue” aspects of the Road Ahead platform have already been implemented. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever asks: “Why should anyone vote for Mr. Eves’ party now?…” [Click here to read the full release]

May 152003


Letter from Paul McKeever; Choice in Education; Taxes, Borrowing and the Debt; Electricity: A Plan for a Bright Future; Corporate Welfare; Your Home and Your Town; Improving the Integrity of Elections; Health Care; Political Party Funding; The Same Rights for All Individuals; Closing Message.
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Apr 152003

2003-04-15.jim-chapman-live.fpo-mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On April 15, 2003, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever was a guest of Jim Chapman Live. As the election of 2003 approached, Chapman asked McKeever why other parties are not talking about the issues, and about Freedom Party’s stand on the issues. Issues discussed included: electricity; P3s (“public-private partnerships) and corporatism; popularity and reality re: capitalism and socialism; socialized health care; Ontario’s success, socialism, and cheap labour for American companies; Liberal party bans. Continue reading »

Mar 202003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Tory Election Panic: Eves Flip-flops on Education Tax Credit to Get Flaherty’s Help

March 20, 2003 – Oshawa – “The [education] tax credit is Progressive Conservative smoke an mirrors: it gives parents the power to choose schools, but leaves government with the power to make the rules about curriculum…” [Click here to read the full release]

Nov 302002

2002-11-30.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On November 30, 2002, Freedom Party of Ontario held its first of two Ontario provincial general Election 2003 dinners. The dinner was held in London, Ontario. Master of Ceremonies Robert Vaughan introduced the dinner’s two speakers: FPO president Robert Metz and FPO’s then-new leader, Paul McKeever. Metz gave a state of the party speech. This was the first Freedom Party dinner in which Paul McKeever gave a speech as the party’s leader. Continue reading »

Jul 152002

2002-07-xx.mckeever-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In July of 2002, then Freedom Party spokesperson Paul McKeever, David Lesperance (Lawyer, global relocation specialist), and Michael Taube (public affairs analyst) comprised the second of two panels that appeared on Michael Coren Live! with host Michael Coren to discuss the constitutionality – or lack thereof – of Canada’s Income Tax Act. The first panel was comprised of two fellows who referred to themselves as “de-taxers”: Bruce Stellar (Ontario De-tax Group), and Byrun Fox (Ontario De-tax Group). Continue reading »

Jun 011999


On May 25, 1999, during the Ontario provincial election of June 3, 1999, then Freedom Party of Ontario spokesperson (and candidate in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale) Paul McKeever represented the party as a panelists on Michael Coren Live! (CTS). The topic of discussion: the smaller political parties. Note: another panel followed in the second half of the show, which did not include any discussion by or about Freedom Party. Continue reading »

May 281999

1999-05-28.metz-london-north-centreVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 28, 1999, during the Ontario general election, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz was a candidate in the televised candidate debate for the riding of London North Centre. Other candidates included Andrew J. Jezierski (Family Coalition Party), Dianne Cunningham (Progressive Conservative Party), Jeff Culbert (Green Party), Roger Caranci (Liberal Party), and Marion Boyd (NDP).

Calls from viewers included: leadership ability, tuition hikes, a strong & mandatory Ontarians with Disabilities Act, cuts to health care (including womens’ shelters, hearing impaired, drug rehabilitation).

The moderator was Gord Harris, who concluded by asking each candidate to identify what is the single most important issue brought to each candidate’s attention by constituents, and what is the client’s proposal to deal with that issue. Continue reading »

May 251999

1996-xx-xx.fp-logo-radio-thumbAUDIO – DESCRIPTION:
On May 25, 1999, CHRW 94.7 FM hosted an all-candidates debate for candidates in the riding of London North Centre. Freedom Party president Robert Metz was the party’s candidate in London North Centre. He was joined in the debate by candidates for the Family Coalition, Green, and NDP parties, and by the stand-in for the PC party candidate. The candidates are asked about taxation and post-secondary education funding. They are also permitted to ask one another questions, and Metz asks the PC and NDP candidates why they are committed to monopolies in health and education. The PC representative asks Metz about tax cuts and the creation of wealth.


Complete Recording
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