Sep 082007

“Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever today announced that Freedom Party has nominated Kingston resident Mark Fournier as its candidate for the riding of Kingston and the Islands for the coming provincial election. The 54 year old Fournier is co-founder of Canada’s most influential political discussion forum,…” Click here to read the full media release.

Jul 292007

2007-07-29.fptv-14-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever, reports from cottage country in the Haliburtons.

While the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives are promising to increase spending (and, therefore, to increase taxes), Freedom Party’s message remains: we must decrease taxes and government spending. Continue reading »

Jul 022007

By-elections set stage for October 10 Ontario election; Compare the candidates; Global warming clouds issues; FP Candidates in 8 consecutive bi-elections, 2005 to 2007 – Burlington, Markham,York South-Central, Parkdale-High Park, Nepean-Carleton, Toronto Danforth, Whitby-Ajax, Scarborough-Rouge River; Candidates Debate – Cathy McKeever; Tory Stance on Caledonia is Hypocritical; Freedom Party Questionnaire: Life, Liberty, Property Fundamental to FP supporters; Frank Views Presented on FP TV and FP on TV (Show Listings); Metz hosts weekly radio call-in show: ‘Just Right’; Just Right’s true left and true right ideologies chart; Changes to FP membership cards. Continue reading »

Apr 162007


On April 16, 2007, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and John Thompson (President, Mackenzie Institute) were panelists on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: the overhauling of the Safe Schools Act (deemed biased against black students); how the cost of soldier deaths in Afghanistan affected our views of the mission?; 3 university lacrosse players in North Carolina found falsely accused of sexual assault: what does justice demand? Continue reading »