Jun 132011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Restore Sensible Highway Speed Limits.

Transcript: “On Ontario’s highways, the speed limit used to be 113 kilometres per hour. In 1976, Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives reduced the limit to 100. Today, traffic moves along our highways, at approximately 120 kilometres per hour. A Freedom government will increase the speed limit to 120 on Ontario’s 400-series highways. Speed limits that make sense. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Jun 132011

“Every day, on long stretches of Ontario’s 400 series highways, traffic is moves at approximately 120 kph, even though the posted speed limit is 100 kph. A 2011 election plank released today by Freedom Party of Ontario calls for the speed limit on the 401, 400, and other 400-series highways to be increased to 120 kph…” Click here to read the full media release.

Jun 082011


On The Tom McConnell Show (1290AM CJBK, London, Ontario and 610AM CKTB, St. Catharines, Ontario) Robert Metz, president, Freedom Party of Ontario, called in to join the discussion about the way in which political parties are funded. It was clear to Metz that most other callers held mistaken assumptions about the nature of political parties and how they are funded. Metz explained the situation at the Ontario provincial level. Metz explained that private contributors to Ontario political parties can claim a limited tax credit, meaning that they can reduce their own provincial tax payable, but only if they actually have tax payable to the province. He explained, more generally and as a matter of principle, that political parties – whether federal or provincial – are private organizations that should not receive any funding from the government (at the time, large federal parties were being paid a per vote allowance in addition to private contributions from individuals).

Listen to the conversation:

Metz Excerpt:

Entire Recording:
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May 272011

updates-blog-entryMay 27, 2011 – Radio Interview: Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario was interviewed today on the Jim Richards Showgram (CFRB 1010 AM, Toronto). The topic: Paul McKeever’s costing of the Hudak PC proposal to have provincial criminal inmates collect litter in Ontario neighbourhoods at a price, to the taxpayer, of $3000.00 per inmate.

May 272011


On the Jim Richards Showgram, NewsTalk 1010 AM, Toronto, Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario, discussed his costing of the Hudak PC proposal to have provincial criminal inmates collect litter in Ontario neighbourhoods at a price, to the taxpayer, of $3000.00 per inmate.

Listen to the entire conversation:

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May 212011

updates-blog-entryFreedom Party receives letters on a daily basis. Party leader Paul McKeever reads all of them, and tries to respond to all of them (though he could not possibly answer all of them).

In the last few days, Progressive Conservative party leader Tim Hudak announced that he would remove the debt retirement charge from Ontario electricity bills. Like his promise to make time of use billing optional, it is a proposal lifted from Freedom Party of Ontario’s far more substantive electricity plank for the 2011 provincial election; a plank that was released way back on October 12, 2010. You can read it here: https://freedomparty.on.ca/electricity/electricity.htm. In true Progressive Conservative style, Mr. Hudak decided to lift these planks only because his party discovered, through polling, that these Freedom Party proposals are popular. His desire to lead by following the polls (i.e., his desire to be the Follower in Chief), has – of course – also led him to lift a plank from Ontario’s socialist New Democrats, who have proposed to remove Ontario’s 8% portion of the HST from electricity bills (the NDP says they’ll make up for the $1.2B loss by taxing corporations, whereas Tim Hudak’s PCs want us all to believe that he’ll be paying for his promises by “cutting red tape” and finding “waste in the system”: we’ve all heard that ridiculous song before).

Not surprisingly, Hudak’s unprincipled and irrational (some might say “liberal”) poll-following ways are losing him supporters. Today, we feature a letter from an Ontario conservative who has had enough of Tim Hudak and the PCs. His letter follows immediately below, and is followed immediately thereafter by Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever’s reply. Continue reading »

May 062011


On Friendly Fire (NewsTalk 1010AM CFRB, Toronto, Ontario, with hosts Ryan Doyle and John Downs) Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario discussed the Ontario Liberal government’s attempt to fake grassroots excitement on twitter.com and Paul McKeever’s May 5, 2011 blog post on the same topic.

Listen to the entire conversation:

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