Jan 252011


This video was released to promote the party’s 2011 election plank: Close Ontario’s Race-based Public Schools.

Three parts:

1. Muhammad Ali. Transcript: [Muhammad Ali]: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. [Paul McKeever]: “Ontario’s public schools should not tell children that this man is among the greatest black athletes in history. It should tell children that this man is among the greatest athletes in history. A Freedom government will eliminate race-focused public schools.” [Muhammad Ali]: “I am the greatest!” [Paul McKeever]: “One race, the human race. Freedom Party.”

2. Toronto’s Africentric School. Transcript: [CTV]: “Late last night, the Toronto District School Board approved a controversial proposal to create the city’s first black-focus public school”. [Paul McKeever]: “In 2008, the Toronto school board decided to establish a black-focused public school. Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty refused to stop it.” [CTV]: “…but he is not taking any action to stop the board from establishing the school”. [Paul McKeever]: “Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives did not object to it. The school now teaches little children that their potential, and their values, are determined by the colour of their skin. A Freedom government will eliminate race-based public schools.” [Jordan Manners’ mother, Loreen Small]: “This black school thing: no, it ain’t right”. [Paul McKeever]: “One race, the human race. Freedom Party”.

3. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Transcript: [Paul McKeever]: “Ontario’s public schools should not tell children that this woman is among the worlds most important black advocates of reason.” [Ayaan Hirsi Ali]: “…as opposed to leading your life according to a set of so-called divine ideas”. [Paul McKeever]: “They should tell children that she is among the world’s most important advocates of reason.” [Ayann Hirsi Ali]: “Life is an end in itself…the freedom of the individual goes above anything that any god can say.” [Paul McKeever]: “A Freedom government will eliminate race-focused public schools in Ontario. One race, the human race. Freedom Party.” Continue reading »

Jan 252011


On Friendly Fire (NewsTalk 1010AM CFRB, Toronto, Ontario, with hosts Ryan Doyle and Tarek Fatah) Paul McKeever, leader, Freedom Party of Ontario discusses Freedom Party’s proposal to close Ontario’s race-based public schools.

Listen to the entire conversation:

Continue reading »

Mar 172009


On March 17, 2009, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz was a panelist on “On the Line” with host Christine Williams. Also on the panel was Kamram Niazi (Management and Recruitment Consultant). In this episode, the panel discusses: How to fix the world’s ailing economy: do we opt for bailouts and, if so, who gets them; couple sues hospital for putting newborn on life support without their consent; should we return children to school prior to Labour Day? Continue reading »

Sep 112008


On September 11, 2008, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and Al Kirouac (publisher, The Halton Herald) were panelists on “On the Line” (CTS) with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: Green Party leader Elizabeth May invited to federal election leaders’ debate after initially not being invited; the 7th anniversary of 9-11: have anti-terrorism measures gone too far and have we become paranoid; two Toronto District School Board trustees put their foot down against having armed police officers in Toronto schools. Continue reading »

Mar 252008


On March 25, 2008, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and Dr. Tom Williamson were panelists on “On the Line” (CTS) with host Christine Williams on CTS. In this episode, the panel discusses: the Canadian woman locked up for the last two years in Mexico (should Canada get tough with Mexico); thousands of immigrants with HIV allowed entrance to Canada; parents who turn to the courts when their kids flunk-out in school. Continue reading »

Feb 052008


On February 5, 2008, Freedom Party of Ontario president Robert Metz and Michael Shapcott (Senior Fellow, Wellesley Institute) were panelists on “On the Line” (CTS) with host Christine Williams on CTS. In this episode, the panel discusses: two Toronto District School Board trustees are pushing to re-opent the vote on an Africentric elementary school for Toronto now that the Provincial government of Ontario has refused to fund the school; a doctor web service in Quebec to connect patients to physicians via video conference; poverty activists want Ontario government to develop an anti-poverty strategy as economic downturn looms. Continue reading »