Oct 122010

“The Freedom Party of Ontario is targeting Progressive Conservative opposition leader Tim Hudak in a pre-election video ad released today. The Freedom ad condemns Hudak’s plan to spend tens of billions of dollars on new nuclear power generating stations. The release of the ad coincides with the beginning of Hudak’s two-week pre-election television commercial campaign…” Click here to read the full media release.

Aug 012007

2007-08-01.fptv-15-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
In this information-packed video, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains that the “fiscal gap” is a myth…a myth promoted by provincial politicians who are afraid of being accountable to the public for raising taxes or cutting spending. Paul also explains the dangers, to confederation and to the democratic process, of provinces seeking to balance their budgets with federal tax revenues. Continue reading »

Mar 282007

2007-03-29.fptv-7-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:
On February 8, 2007, the governing Liberal Party of Ontario lost a seat to the socialist New Democratic Party. York South-Weston is, statistically, the second poorest riding in Ontario, and the NDP’s success in the by-election was widely attributed to its proposal to raise Ontario’s minimum wage from $8 per hour to $10 per hour.

To avoid losing more seats to the NDP, the governing Liberal Party has said that poverty is a central issue in the coming October 10, 2007 general election.

March 22, 2007 was budget day in Ontario, and Greg Sorbara, Ontario’s Minister of Finance, announced that Ontario’s minimum wage would increase by 75 cents per year over the next three years, bringing the minimum wage to $10.25 by 2010.

The leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, John Tory (leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario) has, in recent months, agreed with the idea that Ontario’s minimum wage must be increased.

In this episode of FPTV, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever explains why increasing the minimum wage would be both immoral and economically hazardous…particularly to employees in Ontario. Continue reading »

Oct 042005


Table of Contents; Quotations; A Message from Paul McKeever; Scrap Ontario’s Income Tax; Legalize Better Health Care; Paying for Health Care: The Facts; Improve Education; Choice in Education?; Improve the Supply of Electricity; Restore Fair Auto Insurance; Scrap Property Taxes; Budgeting Better Health Care and Education.
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