Dec 031984

1984-12-04.ntfpagcVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In this cablecast and newscast from December 3, 1984, Freedom Party supporters, organized as the No Tax for Pan Am Games Committee, are seen holding up signs (at London City Hall, during a council meeting) in opposition to London using tax revenues to pay for the hosting of the 1991 Pan Am Games. This recording ends with snippet from a separate newscast that was recorded on the same video tape. Continue reading »

Dec 011984

1984-xx-xx.cbc-emery-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In late fall of 1984, during Freedom Party of Ontario’s “No Tax for Pan Am Games” campaign – opposing taxpayer funding of a London, Ontario bid to host the 1991 Pan Am Games – CBC’s Monitor program did a profile of those in favour of the bid, and those opposed to funding for the bid. Freedom Party’s campaign was initiated by Freedom Party Action Director Marc Emery, who is interviewed. Also interviewed is Gord Hume, then chair of the Pan Am bid committee. Continue reading »

Feb 091984

1984-04-xx.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

In the early 1980s, members of a radical feminist group called the London Status of Women Action Group sent out a letter to London businesses falsely claiming that child pornography was being sold at stores in London. When a federal commission on pornography and prostitution (the Fraser Committee) held a hearing in London, Ontario on February 9, 1984, Freedom Party president Robert Metz and Freedom Party action director Marc Emery testified. Emery offered $500 to anyone who could find child pornography being sold in a London store. Nobody ever claimed the money. The “child porn” false allegation was being used in an effort to censor adult erotica magazines. Continue reading »