Jun 011995

During the Ontario general election of 1995, CFPL-TV, in London, Ontario, interviewed the leaders of Ontario’s registered political parties. At that time, Freedom Party of Ontario’s leader was Jack Plant. In this fast-paced interview, Plant is asked about the party’s 1995 election platform, including its position on voting, Freedom Party’s proposal for a Taxpayer Protection Act, “social assistance”, health care, Ontario’s Human Rights Commission, and choice in education. Continue reading »

Jun 011995

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Aired: 1995 (Lindsays Community TV). With host Jim McKee, and panelists Robert Metz (president, Freedom Party of Ontario), David St. John (Chairman, Victoria County Coalition for Social Justice), Rick Danier (President of the Lindsay District Labour Council), and Don Pennell (leader of the Family Coalition Party). Continue reading »

May 261995


On May 26, 1995, co-anchor Al McGregor of London’s CFPL-TV did a news report about the party leaders on the campaign trail. After coverage of Liberal Leader Lynn McLeod, Progressive Conservative Leader Mike Harris, and NDP Leader Bob Rae, the report continued with coverage of Freedom Party of Ontario’s May 26, 1995 Election Dinner. The dinner was held at the Radisson Hotel on King Street in London, Ontario (now the Hilton Hotel). Continue reading »

Aug 221993

1993-08-23.metz-thumbVIDEO – DESCRIPTION:

On August 22, 1993, Global news covered a “Marijuana Mardi Gras” event that was held that day at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto. Freedom Party of Ontario, opposed to cannabis prohibition, was among the various groups promoting their respective organizations at the event. Freedom Party president Robert Metz was interviewed by Global, and explained the party’s opposition to prohibition. Continue reading »