Feb 042014

“When it comes to balancing Ontario’s mammoth budget deficit, Ontario’s government health insurance monopoly is the elephant in the room.  That is the central message of a 2014 “Opposition Budget” released today by the Freedom Party of Ontario.  It is the only balanced budget plan released by any registered political party in the province…” Click here to read the full media release.

Dec 152013

The Price of Power: November Dinner Event Launches Next Election Phase; “We’re In For A $hock!with Ontario Hydro” we warned – in 1985; Postage paid (letters and responses): PC is only hope, Voter’s dilemma – how can I justify voting for Freedom Party?, Several reasons to make religion illegal…one reason not to; Why voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong. Continue reading »

Jul 282013

Gretzky breaks barriers; London Free of Press about Gretzky; …as Gretzky headlines news on Sun, CTV, radio…; Orange, red, blue election signs challenge political colour barriers; Five by-elections to be held August 1; Freedom Party radio message hits home as Freedom Party scores first strike in by-election battle; 2013 by-elections – Freedom Party candidates; columnist Clay Powell endorses Gretzky in London West. Continue reading »

Jun 182013

“Freedom Party of Ontario is pleased to announce that Al Gretzky has been nominated its candidate for the coming provincial by-election in the riding of London West. Al Gretzky is a familiar name in London West. The uncle of Wayne Gretzky, he has been a resident of Byron for decades. Most recently an employee of Eaton’s and Sears, he is active in the community, having given his time in support of such causes as the Thames Valley Children’s Centre, the Canada Games, the Palace Theatre, and the International Free Press Society. A trusted and respected figure in the riding, 21,690 ballots (35.7% of the ballots cast) were cast in his favour when he ran as the federal Conservative Party candidate in the election of 2006 (he finished just 1,329 ballots behind then-popular Liberal incumbent Sue Barnes)…” Click here to read the full media release.

Feb 122013

Freedom Party of Ontario


To the 107 Members of the Ontario Legislature

Dear Members of the Ontario provincial Legislature:

Re: Freedom Party of Ontario’s 2013 Opposition Budget

As the time approaches to draft and debate Ontario’s 2013 budget, I submit to you, for your consideration, Freedom Party of Ontario’s proposed 2013 Opposition Budget for the province… [Click here to read the full release]