Feb 011990

Media Forum: Fp’s Murray Hopper Debates United Church minister Susan Eagle on the Minimum Wage; What To Do About The GST?; Freedom Party Campaigns For Freedom Of Choice In Language – Bill 8 And Official Bilingualism Condemned; Mississauga’s Clarkson Business Improvement Area To Stay Despite Protest and Opposition; Letters From Our Readers – And More! Continue reading »

Oct 291989

Essential contents of Freedom Party of Ontario’s file folder in respect of its October 29, 1989 “Profits, Plunder & The Environment” brunch in Toronto, with guest speaker Walter Block (then head of the Fraser Institute in Canada). Includes: October 27, 1989 Media Release; October 10, 1989 mailer to members and supporters; promotional poster; advertisement for the Fraser Institute’s book “Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation” (edited by Walter Block); September 13, 1989 confirming letter to Walter Block; letter from the office of David Suzuki; August, 1989 letter to Walter Block; August 10, 1989 letter to David Suzuki. Continue reading »

Jul 011989


“A Reign of Ignorance and Irrationality” by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn
“Africa’s Market Heritage” by George B.N. Ayittey
” “Take My Lumber, Please” ” by Walter Block
“Dangerous to Our Health” by William Frampton
“Only Rights Reveal the Wrongs of Democracy” by Greg Jones
“Insuring Disaster” by David Pengelly Continue reading »

Apr 011989

Ontario Ministry Orders City of Welland to Hook-up to Sewer – Thanks To Efforts Of Fp Executive Barry Fitzgerald; Workman’s Compensation Critiqued; Breaking The Voting Habit – Commentary By Robert Metz; Our Readers Write To Disagree With Us; Fp Produces Buttons Opposing Official Bilingualism; A Review Of Fp’s Grass Roots Campaigns, and more…! Continue reading »

Jan 011989

In 1988, following the success of his 1988 Freedom Party Calendar of Individual Freedom (which was, of course, produced in 1987), then Freedom Party of Ontario Action Director Marc Emery conducted additional research into the history of individual freedom, for the purposes of creating a professionally-printed 1989 Calendar of Individual Freedom that would be sold by Freedom Party of Ontario. Two editions were made: one Canadian, the other American. These calendars again featured a number of historical events that, in Emery’s opinion, constituted either “highlights” or “dark days” in the history of individual freedom. Continue reading »