Essential contents of Freedom Party of Ontario’s file folder in respect of its October 29, 1989 “Profits, Plunder & The Environment” brunch in Toronto, with guest speaker Walter Block (then head of the Fraser Institute in Canada). Includes: October 27, 1989 Media Release; October 10, 1989 mailer to members and supporters; promotional poster; advertisement for the Fraser Institute’s book “Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation” (edited by Walter Block); September 13, 1989 confirming letter to Walter Block; letter from the office of David Suzuki; August, 1989 letter to Walter Block; August 10, 1989 letter to David Suzuki.
Document Details:
Documents: October 27, 1989 Media Release; October 10, 1989 mailer to members and supporters; promotional poster; advertisement for the Fraser Institute’s book “Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation” (edited by Walter Block); September 13, 1989 confirming letter to Walter Block; letter from the office of David Suzuki; August, 1989 letter to Walter Block; August 10, 1989 letter to David Suzuki.
Publisher: Freedom Party of Ontario
Document Type: mailer
Page dimensions: approximately 8.5″ x 11″
Color/BW: Full colour
Archive format: .pdf (searchable exact); size: 14.5 MB; URL: