Sep 022003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Eves/McKeever Flyer in National Post: 130,000 Copies

September 2, 2003 – Toronto – “The Freedom Party of Ontario today began distribution of its 4-page “Just Blow Me” / “Don’t Blow it Again” political advertisement by distributing the first 130,000 copies through the Ontario circulation of today’s National Post newspaper…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 252003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Eves’ Blame Federal Liberals Strategy to Fail

August 25, 2003 – Oshawa – “Eves is doing Ontario a real disservice here”, says Freedom Party of Ontario leader, Paul McKeever. “The Federal and Provincial governments are not in a parent and child relationship: they are, instead, parts of a two-piece puzzle. Every time Eves begs the federal government for money he reinforces the false perception that the feds run the show. The reality is quite the opposite. Mike Harris knows that. Ralph Klein knows that. Preston Manning knows that. I, most certainly, know that…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 232003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario PC’s: Common Sense Dead, Not Just Sleeping

August 23, 2003 – Oshawa – “The PC party’s common sense experiment with free market solutions is ended, and the party has returned to the government-knows-best attitude that led the PCs to nationalize hydro, monopolize health care, and impose price controls and subsidies on everything from rent to auto insurance…”At this point,” says McKeever “advocates of free market economics who end up voting PC in the coming election are probably best understood as having Battered Tory Syndrome…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 212003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Eves Again Misleads Public, Claims Blamelessness

August 21, 2003 – Oshawa – “On Thursday morning, Ontario Premier Ernie Eves gave a press conference. As he did on the CBC earlier this week, he attempted to mislead the press and the public concerning Ontario’s electricity self-sufficiency…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 182003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Electricity: Eves Misleading the Public

August 18, 2003 – Oshawa – “Ontario Premier Ernie Eves intentionally misled the public last night. On Sunday, Eves stated “My goal is to make Ontario self-reliant in electricity”, and explained that his plan includes increasing the supply of electricity. When later asked to reconcile his plan to make Ontario self-reliant with his claim that Ontario is already self-sufficient…” [Click here to read the full release]

Aug 062003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Repairing Ontario Auto Insurance: Ending Compulsory No-Fault?

August 6, 2003 – London, Ontario – Fp today released its draft policy on automobile insurance for public consultation. Your feedback is invited. Click here to get your copy of the draft. Click here to read the media release. [Click here to read the media release]

Jul 112003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

U.S.A. Asks Freedom Party: Canada Friend or Foe?

July 11, 2003 – PROGRAM NOTICE – “[American television network] CBS effectively put Paul McKeever to the task of defending equal treatment for gays & lesbians, and the current legal use of marijuana. “This was a relatively rare and sweet opportunity for me to defend a Canadian love for individual freedom and responsibility that, in some respects, supercedes that of the country most famed for it. The memorable and saddening irony is that many Americans are actually seeing Canada’s de facto defence of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as anti-American…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jul 092003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Ontario Auto Insurance: The Problem is Compulsion

July 9, 2003 – Oshawa – “Early reports concerning the contents of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative White Paper on auto insurance make it clear that the Progressive Conservative plan is entirely missing the mark. “Desperate for a bump in the polls, the Progressive Conservatives are again demonstrating a dangerous and foolish fixation with price controls”, says Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever, “and, if the Progressive Conservatives get their way, drivers are going to be worse off than ever before…” [Click here to read the full release]

Jun 262003

Freedom Party of Ontario


For Immediate Release

Wedgie Implemented, What Have You Left to Offer Ontario, Mr. Eves?

June 26, 2003 – Oshawa – “With the passing into law of another ration of an education tax credit, and an age-discriminatory property tax cut for seniors, the most headline-grabbing “wedge issue” aspects of the Road Ahead platform have already been implemented. Freedom Party of Ontario Leader, Paul McKeever asks: “Why should anyone vote for Mr. Eves’ party now?…” [Click here to read the full release]